It's new year eve today! Time really flies don't they? It feels like yesterday when i first turned 19 years old and here i am, going to be 26 real soon and a mom to 2 lovely boys. Somehow, i cant quite accept the fact that i'm married and i'm a mother. I'm still very much a child myself. Hmmmm, is that why my boys find me fun to play with?

I have now passed that phase. I think 'that phase' happens to most first time mothers. But after the second child comes along, it's a different story all together. Perhaps because after the first child, i feel i've sufficient knowledge and experience to not repeat what i've done before. Thus, the enthusiasm dipped. But then again, what is enough? Lol. It's really up the mother. To each her own i would say. However, that doesn't mean i love my second child or my children lesser now. Definitely not the case for me! :D
Alrighty, time for some new year resolutions ! :D
- to lose weight lol.. that's like my every year resolution!
- to be a better mother (psstt: i cannot be a better wife already ah, coz i'm already too good! Hahaha *thick skin*)
- to master eye make up skill!
- er, seriously, i cant think of anything else
What will i be doing today? Nothing much. Same old stuff. Will be watching Narnia tonight with hb. Wonder if we'll be able to catch the fireworks at Marina but i think most probably not :( But before that, we'll be having 'family dinner' at Burger King first :P
Anyway, Happy New Year everyone! Hope next year would be a better year for you and me!