This blog is specially dedicated for my passion in cooking [read: food], shopping and my boys - 3 small boys and 1 big boy :)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tagged by Imp, my 6s are..
1. I enjoy digging my kids' ears
Yes, i'm dead serious. Everytime i manage to take out the dirty bits (huge one esp), i experienced a surge of excitement washed over me, followed by an indescribable kind of pleasure. Hehe.
2. I wanna be somebody
Not superstar hor! :P
I wanna be someone, someone who does her bit in the community, or better still, for the world. I want to be an environmentalist. I wanna save the mother Earth from dying. I wanna save the Earth for the coming generations. I'm all for protecting animals as well.
3. I don't feel good spending others' money
Y'know, when i was still in the dating game donkey years ago, i will always, a-l-w-a-y-s order the cheapest item in the menu. Sometimes, i'll skip the main and just have the dessert or starter only. The same can be said for my parents' money as well. I don't feel good spending theirs even till today, i'll pay for everything whenever they are with me. As for hb's, *grin* the same also lah.. That's why till today, i still do not own a single branded item. I've got no Prada, Gucci or LV.
4. I dislike attention
I love dolling up but dislike attention. So what do i do? I'll do away with certain piece of jewellery that will stand out or change to a less attention grabbing or figure flattering top/ bottom or skip the gloss or eye liner and mascara. I like to feel beautiful, but not extremely beautiful till all eyes on me. Lol. Er, should i pass the sick bag around? :P
5. I'm terrified of mouse/rat but love hamsters
Show me a mouse/rat, and i'll scream on top of my voice non stop or i'll run faster than a jaguar/cheetah/leopard. But i love hamsters. I used to have them as pet when i was 12. When Bibi died, i cried the whole day and the next. All my 4 hammies were burried in my house's garden together, around the same spot. I even put joss sticks at the front of their 'cemetery'!
I used to bath them as well, once a week. I think that explains their short life span. Grin. Didn't know then. Kiki the mother was with me for a year and the her baby, Bibi also the same. I'd powdered them after every bath. On their monthly-birthday, they get to eat cakes which i bought from the bakery behind my house. They even feast on durians on good days! :P
6. I was a straight A's student but not a degree holder
Till today, i'm still quite 'disturbed' by this fact. Many found it weird why i didn't pursue my degree when i could. Let's just say.. it's fate that had it this way. And till today, i still get chided for being what i am today, a homemaker. Some.. even looked down on me. Sad huh?
I would love to tag Celest for this :P
Adding another one. So it's 7 instead of 6.
7. I am in love with the husband's brother
Shocked beyond words? I believe so.
Lol. Kidding.. kidding! The husband is the only son in the family! Heh.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Have you ever had anyone shit on you?
I did.
And it happened yesterday!
Usually, the most i'll get is baby pee on me while i'm bathing them (that's the case for my 2 older boys) but yesterday, my baby actually pang sai on me, when i was halfway bathing him (was washing his hair, with me squatting and carrying him!).
This was what happened.
Halfway washing hair..
Baby : Proooot (farted)
Hb and i laughed. (hb was sitting next to me, looking on)
Baby : Prooooot. (again)
Baby : Proot prooot prroooot..
Hb : Sekali shit comes out then u're in for good stuff! *giggle*
Before hb finished his sentence..
Baby : Poot poot poot poot poot poot..
Followed by warm, slimy, wet stuff and before i knew it, i grabbed the-very-scared-of-ticklish-hb's thighs hard and squeezeeeeeee! With me shrieking in disgust..
Hb was practically laughing his head off, too busy laughing that he forgot i was actually squeezing his thigh :P
And very slowly, the shit slided from my thigh to my ankle and my toes before hitting the floor. And very slowly, the very ticklish hb got up and helped me cleared the mess.
To test me further, hb kept telling baby how clever he was for doing what he(baby) did to me and even asked baby to do it more often in the near future!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Wicked me :P
Monday, March 19, 2007
Baby's video
This video was captured using hb's hp, a week ago :)
See what i meant by 'interactive'? :P
p.s: do turn on your speaker *wink*
My lovely @ 2 months
Love him to bits and pieces! :)
My precious..
I can never get bored looking at him, and very much so now, ever since he started being very responsive to people who smile and talk to him. Grin.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Okie, i'm gonna sound like a very back-dated mountain tortoise here but yes! i have finally bought my very first ticket to the shows below *woot*woot* :D
It will be my virgin arty-farty attendance to such performance, of course.. Hi5 and Barney not included ok. Grin.
Hb and i will be watching this on my birthday night. I deliberately picked this date y'know. Hope it'll be a memorable one :)
Next up..
Jacky Cheung concert!
Apart from stage performances or theatre, i have never been to a concert before as well *blush*. Again, this will be my very first concert that i'm attending with hb. I can hardly wait! :P
Nevertheless, this is really bad for our pockets. After this month, we can only feast on salted fish and vege. Kekeke.
Pic courtesy of Celest :)
From the webbie;
~For an unforgettable evening of mirth and mystique, step back in time and lose yourself in the bewitching charm of Europe in the roaring ‘20s. Combining a perfect blend of haute cuisine, first-class artistic programming and a nostalgic and glamorous ambiance, The Crystal Mirror promises to delight.
In the resplendent setting of an antique “Mirror Tent” from the 1920s, acrobats, singers, comedians, musicians and eccentric wait staff – along with a 4 course gourmet dinner designed by internationally acclaimed star chefs – come together to deliver an evening that moves between dreamy poetry and breakneck pandemonium.
Meticulously choreographed, the program still leaves ample room for improvisation. An assortment of characters dissolves the boundaries between audience, artist and staff. Stage and auditorium merge in a unique atmosphere of relaxation and comfort.~
Ugh! If only i went to check her blog few hours earlier, i would have booked The Crystal Mirror instead. It looks awesome! Something that is not to be missed..
Friday, March 16, 2007
Birthday no.2
Another birthday cake for Shuoze :)
This souffle cheesecake was made for celebration with my in laws. For the very first time, there was no leftover at all!
Everything was gone in 60 seconds. Lol.
It's really pleasurable to know that something you made/baked/cooked is very well received and liked.
I totally dig the feeling. Grin.
p.s: i heart Korean strawberries. They're the sweetest!! *2 thumbs up*
Friday, March 09, 2007
The last time i baked a proper cake, complete with fresh cream and decoration was a year ago, which was for my sons' birthday.
Now that i'm baking a proper cake again after 1 year hiatus, is also for the same reason. And i think the next time round would be next year, for my baby's 1st birthday! Lol.
Frankly, i don't quite fancy decorating my cakes with cream etc.
i- to save on the calories
ii- to save cost
iii- to save time
Anyway, below is this year's birthday cake for Shuoze :)
I almost killed myself for smudging the side, not once but twice during decoration. I couldn't touch up/repair because the fresh cream was all used up. I'm such a klutz sometimes.. or rather, most of the time :P
Luckily, the birthday boy was too thrilled with the cars to noticed the smudged cake. Grin.
We celebrated the first birthday cake in school yesterday -- got brought forward coz next week is school holiday--. The next cake will be baked on Monday which is the real day, for celebration at in law's house.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sweet for my sweets..
As obvious as it is, i have not been baking much this year, saved for the baby's full month celebration.
So how do i satisfy my sweet tooth?
But this type of dessert though..
Red bean soup :D
I love love love red bean soup, with a dash of milk. One that has been cooked just right and one with the right amount of sago as well.
I also cooked it with lotus seed (most of the time, depending on my mood) and peanut glutinous ball -- my fav-- (sometimes, depending on my appetite on that day :P).
Other times, the desserts will also be in the form of green bean with barley, barley with gingko nuts and bean curd sheets or oh bee (black glutinous rice).
Yums~ :)
Monday, March 05, 2007
Do you think it's possible to still find your spouse/long time partner attractive or good looking after staying together for years??
You know, the kind that gives you 'wow...', follow by a secretive smile or a raised eye brows.
Or am i just being weird? Lol.
psst : how i wish that this entry is posted by my other half instead! :P
Sunday, March 04, 2007
CNY must have!
Guess what is my must-have during Chinese New Year?
It's not pineapple tart, not peanut cookies nor love letters but egg rolls :P
To me, CNY will not be CNY without it. Lol.
Every year without fail, i will indulge in it without feeling guilty (er, okie.. maybe a little lah) because it's a once a year affair, a mentality which i have adopted since years ago. Haha.. I can wipe out the whole box within a day or 2. Imagine that! Yep, i love it that much :D
This year is not any different than any other years. I didn't only have the plain egg rolls, i also have egg rolls with spring onion and egg rolls with black sesame. They all tasted equally good but somehow, for me, plain one does just fine. I do not need so much variety actually. Good old traditional ones will do *wink*
What's left in the kitchen cabinet now is as good as nothing. Grin. What's up next?
Me complaining, whining, bemoaning, bewailing, grumbling, yammering, lamenting on my never-dropping, shrinking, reducing-number on the digital weighing machine *kabish* :P
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