I love beautiful earrings!
That's the only accessories i wear actually. I don't really do bracelets [got watch and the jade already on both hands], necklaces [i think i've got short neck!] or anklets [er.. simply lor].
So, it all boils down to wearing earrings only.
My only accessory to dress me up :)
Usually, i get the nice but affordable ones because me money not enough to buy Katriel's or the earrings at Tangs' Level 2. Far too expensive for me even though i loveee them to bits. I only go to admire but never to buy.
Recently i couldn't resist the temptation to not buy the slightly more expensive earrings. They are simply too pretty!! ^.^
But of course, they are not so that expensive lah but expensive enough for my $20 budget. Grin. Nevertheless, still within my 2nd budget.. $50 :P
So yup yup, may i present you.. my very gorgeous earrings [in my opinion lah! :P]
1st pair :
2nd pair :
3rd pair :
I loveeeee my new earrings!! :P
oooh! now i know what to get yoU!!!
Wah! Yr neck 'sexy' hor.
Can be Geisha liow!!! *haha!*
imp : eh! CANNOT!
paw paw : Hahahahaha.. what sexy!?!? It's an inch too short lah.. Geisha?! *faints* No way! But thank you ah.. ur comment got me grinned silly! Haha :P
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