Another overdue post! *hide*
The gf's wedding was on Dec 15th!
Anyway, for the very first time, i was asked to be one of ji muis [sisters] for the morning tea ceremony as my other married gfs didn't have one.
And then, THE wedding dinner.
All my life, i have not been to one this grand.

Sure, i have been to many many in 5/6 stars hotel but somehow, this gf's wedding tops the cake.
With the very awesome deco and theme, not to mention.. the food.
Sounds like any normal Chinese wedding dinner menu aye?
Then u are so so wrong!
Because that was what i thought too.
The .food. fits fine dining bill perfectly.
And it's not Cheena. It's fusion with the fine dining very artistic deco style which we were served exactly that for every each of us individually.
The quality?
I wasn't expecting much initially as i'd been to the exact hotel for another gf's wedding dinner 1.5 years ago. You know, the normal standard..
Until i had my first bite for dish no.1.
I was completely blown away.
There after, i kept looking forward to the next dish, and the next and the next, not only for the food but also for the presentation as well ;)
Just for you to get a rough idea of what i'm blabbering about, here's my dessert..
I finished every drop of it needless to say though i felt like a stuffed turkey!
Unfortunately, this is the only food photo i managed to capture because i was too busy looking forward to the food and savouring them! :P
Last but not least, my ex schoolmates and i.
I don't remember telling anyone but this is my ugliest hair style ever!!!!!!!
I will be kind and spare you the details. But seriously, i had never felt so ugly in my entire life before. [right after facial not included!]
My hair was ironed to stick straight and totally flat! Like flat's FLAT. No kidding. I specifically told her stylist to just blow dry for the Pantene effect but die die also tried to persuade me to straighten it using the iron.
As a nice girl, i didn't have the heart to say no so many times.
By the time i got home, i had only 5 minutes [no thanks to the 'ironing'! which took more than an hour to do - she told me it'd be done in 15 mins and i stupidly believed her. Ugh. Simple blow dry would be just 10-15 mins max? which was what i had estimated that fits my schedule perfectly] to change and do my make up - which i didn't of course - take ang pow [i forgot about the money and had to borrow from friends!], clutch and visiting the loo before another gf came to pick me up.
Throughout the whole night, i was consciously messing up the hair [so it won't be so flat] or covered half my face with the hair because i was totally unpresentable :(
It was really a disaster -> me.
Thank God for the food and incredible companions whom somehow made me felt a little normal. Yeah, i thought i looked pretty abnormal. Haha :P
And the bride, whoaaaaaaa.. she was breathtakingly beautiful and she's my girlfriend! ^.^

The beautiful couple and our chocolate cake! ^.^

So beautifully captured
p.s : i also happened to have the worst break out ever on the gf's wedding day which started a week before that and lasted all the way to January due to switch in products. Ugh!
Hi there! Was just wondering... which hotel is that? (:
The Westin, KL :)
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