Monday, June 26, 2006

Super Sz!

It's amazing for fast a child can pick up things.

Quite a few days ago, hb and i decided to take out the 2 small wheels from Sz's bicycle so that he can start learning on how to cycle like an adult. So on Saturday evening, we went down to the basketball court to let him learn appropriately for the first time.

There i was, cycling around on my new baby (bicycle) with my youngest son at the back, thinking Sz will take some time to master the skills. So i was nicely cycling for a couple seconds before i heard yay! I turned and i missed the moment! UGH! Sz was already cycling on his own!! Tears started welling up and gosh, i was so proud. I was bursting inside! I was practically screaming 'hao li hai ya' on top of my lungs repeatedly, ignoring the stares from 2 of the basketball players.

I abandoned the bicycle and unfortunately, the youngest son as well (lol) and went running to the court which was less than 20 metres away. I asked hb what did he do? And hb replied, nothing. He simply guided him for less than 5 seconds before letting go and Sz didn't fell and managed to go on cycling on his own.

Sigh. Some mom i am. I should have stayed at the court right from the beginning! And i forgot the camera which i was planning to bring earlier. *kabish myself*

And after that, it was round and round the bicycle went with Sz on it :D

We suspect it was the scooter's doing. Sz has been riding on the scooter couple of months ago (he goes super duper fast on it) and that needs balancing. So does bicycle. That should explains it hor.. ;)

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