This, is a MUST watch show for all. At least, it is for me :)
Throughout the show, i was feeling it for him (Will Smith) for the character he played, Chris Gardner. Oh, by the way, this is a real story with little modification done.
I cannot imagine one going through so much in one's life. For most people, they would have broken down, myself included. I really admire Gardner's determination and fantastic EQ. This is a life that not many (or maybe many than not many i'd say) have experienced, especially if you can afford the comfort of watching it in the cinema.
But would you believe me if i say i've been there, done that? Grin.
I did.
That was many donkey years ago when i was a struggling full time student, paying off my monthly school fees and my daily expenses by working. There were days when i broke down after i realised the salary earned wasn't enough to pay off my fees or days that i didn't even have enough to eat lunch.
That was when every cents really count. Unlike now, coins are almost everywhere around the house (no thanks to the man) :P
One wonders why i didn't ask $$ from my parents aye?
Seriously, i do not know. I figured mostly because i didn't wanna burden my parents further? I was already 18 and felt it wasn't right to ask anymore. The only assistance i got was payment for my monthly room rental from my dad. That, i've already felt pretty bad.. Weird huh? Hmm..
Anyway, yeah.. this show is really awesome to even touching too. A brilliant perfomance by Will Smith. This Fresh Prince of Bel Air definitely deserves the Oscar nomination even though he didn't win.
Do you know the son of his in the movie happens to be his (Will Smith's) real son too? Superb acting from the duo i must say *wink*
A show that is not to be missed, my dearies. Quick go watch it! :)