Friday, February 23, 2007

I don't know about you but i've not seen or know any guy who can be this romantic. (er, actually i only know like 1-2 guys including hb lol)

Perhaps romantic isn't the best word to use to but i can't think of any other word that can be used to describe him.

What i like is the way he loves his woman, so un-bashfully open and expressive and his willingness to do so so much for her even though he could have taken an easier route anytime. And and.. he actually
reminded himself over at one post not to take his woman for granted after reading some article on that particular issue. Which man actually does that? (ok, to be fair, even if hb does it, i wouldn't know also lol)

The efforts he puts in for his marriage proposal is incredible. If my man does that for me, i think i would be crying my heart out right on that spot till no tears left. Hear that, zhu?

Nevertheless, i am not saying that my man is not good or what. Different man different personality and it so happens that my man is made of
kayu. Hahaha. Not romantic and always taking the shortest and easiest route possible. If can, he would definitely avoid saying those mushy stuff to me [think he's really shy. Usually after hb says it, we would look at each other and start giggling for a minute or two haha] unless i demand to hear it :P. For the record, the last time i heard my man calls me darling was more than half a decade ago? And i can jolly forget about him showing me his affection in public. He is too proper? *kabish* Lol.

Having said that, i know that if anything were to happen or if i'm in need of anything, i can rely 100% on hb for sure or at least 99% lah (i hope :P). He will always be there to take care and protect me for as long as i live. Also, even though hb isn't romantic, he is never boring thankfully *praise the Lord* Grin. With his quick wits and sense of humour plus senseless teasing, you can jolly bet that life will always be an interesting one :P

Anyhoo, if.. if only hb is romantic and sweeps me off my feet once a while. That, would be really nice *fat fat wishful thinking*

Disclaimer : I do not know the guy mentioned above. Got to know about the whole proposal episode because his fiance is one of the forum-ers in the forum that i'm in :)


imp said...

your hb loves you! it's so clear to me!

oooh...there are men who're just as romantic and committed. i've had so many friends take painstaking efforts to not just plan proposals, but also birthdays and little celebrations. men can be quite sweet!

^cherie said...

Hehe.. yeah, i know but a more expressive and romantic him would be much better!! *greedy greedy me* :P

Awww.. okie, i'm definitely a mountain tortoise then. Didn't know got so many 'sweet' men out there. Hehe..