First and foremost, thank You for such a wonderful weather which i'd previously prayed for. My prayer was indeed answered. Just for that 2 days that we needed it to play.
And now, it's back to rain sun rain sun rain but mostly rain again.
It was my first 'holiday' with the boys, by the sea.
I had fun. So did the boys i'm sure :)
If you were to ask me, what is 'xin fu' or 'hang fok' [blissful]?
This, is it.
Abit obscene i know especially that they are boys but me like!
3 small boys and me.
A sight that is not uncommon in the household. We do this a lot and usually, the top most will fall and scream with laughter. Then a mad fight between the 2 elder boys for the spot on top of me. Ha!
The little one will remain at the bottom, not squashed of course. Enjoying his view on top before he decides that he has enough and start protesting.
A very beautiful evening at the park. Quiet and peaceful. Awesome weather. Nice.
We even saw tadpoles at the side of the road. Too much water from the grass. The last time i'd seen a tadpole gotta be when i was 8! I was catching them at the longkang with a couple of childhood friends back in my kampong days.
The boys were pretty excited about them. The tadpoles were literally swimming away of us whenever our hands go near them. We just squat at the side of the road and started playing 'catching' with them. Giggling and more giggling from us seeing them running havoc-ly. Cute.
Then at the park, well.. i guess if you were to know me by now, i'm not the sort of mother who will just supervise :P
The blue tee person on top is me!
The boys didn't manage to climb to the top. Tough stuff i must say. But for the boys, it was mostly because they were too short. Hehe. The gap between one rope to another was hugeeee.. Seeing me so high up, they were like -> "mommy, be careful! mommy, you so clever leh! mommy, help me!"
Sometimes, i think i'm too playful to be their mother you know. Lol. Other mothers who were there were like :O and O.o hahhaaha.. Serious! So paiseh!
All in all, i really enjoyed myself. Can't wait for the next 'holiday' with the boys! :)
Poor hb.. still in reservist. But hb did come to visit at night for a couple of hours before booking in again.
best to be able to gel with the kids!! you feel young too! it's like teamwork!! so fun!
beep beep's eyes are so mesmerizing!
imp : yeah! I always feel very young and fun when i'm with them.. :D
brumeux : thanks dear.. but i feel as though he has that sad puppy look leh.. :P
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