I've been waiting for this day the longest time, with much excitement and fear.. yep, both at the same time!
This time round, i went with my gfs instead of the sisters.
There were 9 of us + 5 of my sister's friend and herself. This, happened only 2 Sundays ago but now looking back, it felt as though it has been ages already!
Hb was there too! :)
The alarm clock beeped at 5.55am that morning. Personally, an extra 5 mins of slumber matter quite a bit to me. Hence the weird timing. But mostly, it was because we slept just 3 hours ago.
Even after washing the face, i still felt worn out from the Karaoke that we had on the night before with the sisters and hb. For the uninitiated, i don't sing. I go because of the husband and sisters. It was fun albeit me not singing. It was fun watching the 3 sisters battling with the husband for the mic. Ha! Seriously.. i was like FINALLY! Because usually whenever we do go K, it'll be the husband and myself only and the hb sings by himself. No fighting for the mic.
Anyway, back to the rafting trip.
So yeah, we managed to drag our sleepy bottoms out of the house on time, shockingly. Met the rest for breakfast and then, it was rafting time!
After an hour of driving, we reached Kuala Kubu Bahru, a small town outside KL in Selangor. We went in 3 cars but hb and i didn't drive thankfully. For once, we were the passengers :P
Reached KKB at 8.30am sharp as instructed but the guides came only at 9am. To pass time, we slapped on sunblocks and took a couple of photos before going for breakfast again. Second round, mind you!
The guys took photos too but with Carol's camera. Not mine unfortunately. But to wait for Carol to send it to me is like waiting for the sun to rise from the West. Heh :P So no photos of the guys.
If you're wondering what's that thing on my hand, that's gloves. Driving gloves to be exact. To protect my arms for sunburn and tan.
I got teased mercilessly for wearing that. Grin. The girls called it socks! *slap forehead* And they refused to acknowledge it as gloves, even till now. Heh. Funny gfs, aye?
The weather was pretty nice at first. But half an hour into the trip, the sun was scorching hot!
As a result, check this out. Hb's sunburn.
The photo was taken just 3 days ago. Imagine how it looks like for the first few days.. and mine too!
Even though i had the 'socks' on, it didn't help very much. Neither did the Spf50 which i slapped on earlier. Grrr...
This time round, the rafting was not 'that' fun even though it was supposed to be better. Afterall, the rapids that we went through was grade 3-5! The most extreme ones. So why it wasn't as fun as the one i went before this?
The guides.
Not that sociable. Another word, boring. And half the time, we couldn't quite make out what they were saying. If i'm not wrong, they're Kadazans or something.
The gfs wanted me to go with them on 1 raft minus hb. But i insisted on keeping the husband with me so in the end, there were 5 of us on a raft, hence the big raft we took.
The first rapid was the scariest among all. It was the video that i posted ealier.
The guys' raft got capsized. It was overturned at the very first drop. They were so traumatised by it that one of them actually skipped the grade 4 rapid, known as the 'chicken drop' which was a fatal one that killed more than 10 people this year alone. But i don't see that as 'chickened out' though.
As hb said, to say no to it is more courageous than anything else. It takes a lot of courage and bravery to say no, knowing that there will be so many 'mouths' talking about it, laughing at you so on and so forth.
But like what i told the wife-my gf then after some uncalled for something, it is absolutely OK. Nothing wrong with being scared or feeling uncomfortable. So what if he's a guy. He's human too. At least, i personally feel that he is much braver than the ones who insisted on going through that rapid with a very scared heart but the ego forbids them from doing the same.
So yeah, the guys' raft got capsized. As we looked on [we went first], seeing how they struggled, i almost wanted to jump into the river to help 1 of them who was a non swimmer because he didn't surface for the longest time. My heart almost stopped beating that moment. Later, i found out the other gfs felt the same as i did as well. Wanted to jump in and help.
Because we took the big raft, our chances of getting capsized were pretty slim. To be honest, i was both devastated and relieved. Haha. But the gfs didn't feel the same i think. They were much braver than i am. Athletes they are, you see.
Halfway through the rafting, we switched raft with the guys. But still, nothing happened to us! The guys got capsized twice but not us. In the end, the guides (the more sporting ones) secretly over turn the raft twice for us. Shock, yes. Fun, not really. I still prefer to let the nature takes its course :P
Oh, surprisingly.. the husband fell into the water during the last rapid which was a Grade 5. The only person in the entire raft who fell. Lol. How did hb fell? Hb himself also doesn't know. Heh. But the position he was in was the same as my position the previous time. A very easy position to fall in. I drank quite a bit of water though.
But hb managed to get back up into the raft himself in less than a minute. None of us knew he fell actually, until he was half way up and hb actually went under the raft! :P
Overall, i still prefer my other experience. More fun, even though the rapids were only grade 3. I really think it is because of the guides. They do make a huge different. Luckily i've got so very fun friends. Else, i sure fall asleep liao.. :P
Tips : if you don't wanna fall in or don't wish for your raft to get capsized, do go for the bigger raft. Smaller rafts get capsized much easily.
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