Continuing from my incomplete entry the other day..
So yup, after our caving and lunch, we continued on to white water rafting. Initially, we were supposed to do the rafting before caving but due to the raining season, the activities got switched.
Our car was parked at the entrance of the Gua Tempurung. To get to Gopeng Nature Resort where our starting point for the rafting is, transportation is provided. We went on the way we were, as in no new change of clothings. Wet throughout. The vans were well prepared though. There were plastic sheets on the seats protecting the cushion. Guess that was the 'tradition'? (for continuing the trip without changing) :P
The weather was surprising fantastic that day. No sun and the water level was just nice. In fact, it drizzled a little but stopped after a while. There were 5 of us. Just nice for 1 raft plus 1 guide. Exactly the way we like it. Our guide picked us though. Think he likes us. Haha.. Got to know him before the start of our caving, chatting and joking happily with him. A very sporty person i must say.
We were made to carry our raft from the resort right to the river bank. It wasn't an easy task mind you. The raft looks light but i promise you, it wasn't!
Very heavy actually.
Safety talk was given before starting. Listening to the talk somehow made me sweat all over. Literally.
Very scary. My heart really went thump thump thump F.A.S.T!
Especially when we were told what to go IF the raft gets capsized. Or when we accidentally fall into the river at the rapid part of the river. Or the way we must remember to let go of the raft line and not hold on to it but apply body rafting to save ourselves.
Without realising it, i felt myself shaking a little.
I was scared.
Moreover, hb was not around to save me if anything were to happen. My husband my protector. My protector who coincidentally happens to be a certified life guard too. And he was not around.
How not to be scared right?
I silently prayed for our safety. Funny but i was excited at the same time too! :P
I fell twice.
Or rather 1 and the half times?
The first half fall was a shocking one. Didn't expect it to happen that fast. My guide who arranged me to sit next to him made me fall on purpose, at the rapid part.
The raft moved forward and down a little 'waterfall' diagonally backwards with me being the most high risk to fall in and i did, half of me did. My first half got plunged into the river but my hands were still holding tight to the raft line and my paddle.
So how did i fall? Or maybe i should say, how to not fall? The raft line i was holding was on my left and i was going left and down. So how to not fall in yeah? (if u get what i'm saying that is :P)
Somehow i couldn't get back up no matter how i tried. I was that deep in. And i couldn't go whole body into the river as well. I was practically stuck.
To save me, my guide lost his paddle which the raft in front of us managed to retrieve it for him. He was very quick to pull me out again. The very cold water certainly managed to jolt the shites out of me. Lol. Both my elder sisters (who sat in front of me) were frantically shouting my name and helped me get back to my position again. Think i got everyone panicked for a moment. Heh.
But i was fine. Didn't drink any water nor did i hurt myself either. I was really fine. I still managed to have that silly grin on my face whilst i got pulled out. The only thing that was not fine was the cold water. Brrrrrrrrrrr...
Guess i was the winner for our trip.. for being the first one to fall in to the river :P

After that, i fell in again. This time, a total fall. But i was not the only one though. Everyone on the left did. My sister's bf, my eldest sis and me. And again, it was done on purpose. Didn't i say my guide was a real sporting chap? Heh.
When we reached a slightly calmed part, i was asked by my guide if i was game to go to the chamber (guide calls it chamber, which means the very front of the raft) and do a 'Rose' (Kate Winslet in Titanic at the 'you jump, i jump' part) but a sitting Rose.
I sat at the chamber with my legs dangling out in the water and 1 hand up in the air. You cannot imagine how many countless times my sisters shouted for me to be careful man.. Grin. Later on when our raft got stucked, we were asked if we wanna continue on with body rafting and we were all game for it!
Basically, we took turns to jump into the river and float on our back, moving forward with the help of the current.
It was indeed the best trip i have ever had for a long long time. We really enjoyed ourselves to the very max. Fun and exciting. A must do for everyone, at least once in your lifetime :D
But please, do not be put off by this entry of mine. It is really quite an experience. As for safety concerns, let's just say if a 5 years old kid could go on it, how dangerous could it be aye? We have kids as young as 5 and elderly as old as 50 something.
To convince you further, we were the only raft that did the body rafting and we were the only ones who fell into the river out of 7 rafts in the trip. It all depends on you and your guide. If there are kids or elderlies, the guide will be more careful and avoid all the more rapid parts. No stunts will be pulled.
For ourselves, our guide and us kinda have a mutual understanding before starting. We were all very game for a more exciting ride and he was game enough to give it to us. One thing that we didn't do was to ask to do a capsized raft. We totally forgotten about it! Arghh..
My youngest sister who didn't fall into the river was pretty disappointed. Falling into the river was really the highlight for the rafting. If you didn't, it would only be half the fun. Serious!
So, what's next for me?
Rafting at KKB (Kuala Kubu Bahru at Selangor) and caving at Gua Kandu in Perak in December. A more challenging one for both. I can hardly wait!
And you know what else i realised?
I feel equally safe with my sisters as when i am with my husband. I never knew our love was up to that level. I can really tell how much they care for me especially when i had my first fall. The panic look on their faces, their reactions and them calling my name frantically like a mad man were priceless.
As for the husband, i don't need you anymore, darling! Hahahahahahaa... Just joking hor! :P
So fun! I love white water rafting. Can we girls all go next time? :p My guide in Cairns also made us all fall into the river on purpose - I agree it is really the highlight. Especially when weather is hot, falling into the river is great way to cool off and bond even more.
Caving - that sounds scary. Jumping into the stream in the dark and sliding down. *shivers*
Yupyupyup... i love it! We must do that sometime yeah? ;)
As for caving.. there will sure be some gentleman (who also in the group) down there to catch you when u jump and do the sliding. So.. it's not THAT scary ah!
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