Apples overstock.
Thankfully, this apple crumble managed to use up 5. Heh.
I wasn't that confident to bake this at first. Afterall, it was my first pie/tart bake, made from scratch. But it was good. Really!
However, next time, i'll probably add a little sugar to the crust, which was sugar-less. And perhaps, for the apples, i'll not boil it at all.. for more flavour. And and, i will not save my lemons too. A tablespoon of its goodness it is. At most, i'll drink up the rest of the juice just like that. Hehehehe :P
Doesn't sound so perfect afterall yeah?
But it was!
Do i sound convincing enough?
p.s: do pardon me, heh. On 'love' high. My whole family [sisters, parents, do, re, mi etc] is here, well.. almost!
Hey Sherie,
This looks really good, the crumble top must be crisp :p
Hey Angie, yupyupyup.. my fav part gotta be the crust and the crumble top. So sinful!! :P
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