Last thursday was an extremely busy and tiring day for me. It was my fil's birthday. I decided to bake fil a mango mousse cake after receiving 5 ripe mangoes from mil but mainly because i wanna try it after much raves from some floogers :P
The day started at 7am all the way till evening. It was that hard a work. Unfortunately nothing went right.
First, it was the sponge cake. When i took it out from the oven, the baby started crying. By the time i went back to the cake, it sank. But luckily the spong cake was meant to be in between the mousse so it didn't matter that much. However, that somehow put a dent onto my jolly mood.
Then, the cupcakes. I wanted to make orange butter cupcakes for the boys' teachers during the meet-the-parents-session the next day and also a very nice girl at Amore as a token of appreciation. But. First thing i did was to mix up the ingredients during the creaming and mixing stage. This resulted a slightly heavy, dense texture instead of the expected soft and light cake. Sigh :(
From there, i proceeded on with the mango mousse. I over beat the whipped cream! *sobs* Instead of the mousse texture, i got the whipped cream texture *sniffs* :(
So what we were eating in the end was actually mango whipped cream cake, not mango mousse cake.
Aiihhhsss... :P
I don't hate it or like it but others were quite taken by the cake except the fussypot hb who thought the cake was so-so only. Somehow, i think the cake will taste real good if i were to do it correctly. Which i hope i will tomorrow. Heh.
Apart from the cupcakes and the mango whipped cream cake, i also did mango pudding [this was an exception from my bad kitchen day though. It was good! Similar to those served in Crystal Jade/East Ocean Teochew Restaurant. At least something went okay. Grin] and mini mango whipped cream cake in cups.
But that was not the end of my bad kitchen day. My dreadful day ended with dreadful buttercream. Again, due to some distraction (think i was in the midst of stirring the mango pudding ingredients in a saucepan on the stove), my buttercream was over beaten. It turned watery. The pink colouring which i intended to use was finished up by my confinement nanny and she didn't even inform me!
In the end, i ended up with pandan flavour buttercream?
Hope and pray that the recipients don't dislike it as much as i did. Hehe..
I was too tired to re-bake the cupcakes and re-do the buttercream, which i wanted to initially. Dislike giving others something which isn't up to my standard.
Because of the watery buttercream, these were the only designs i could pipe out *hide face in the bag*. So ugly! LOL.
There you go, the tale of my very bad kitchen day...
Actually there are more but me ain't gonna bore you with the little details. Writing this post is no fun at all. Haha..
ur mango whipped cake looks very yummishlicious! :p
what or who are "floogers"
me thinking of whips and cats of nines ^__^
Thanks! Floogers are bloggers who blog about food. Grin.
to a person who does not know her way around the kitchen, your 'disasters' still turned out looking good leh....
I didn't know you can bake a cake too. Your mango cake looks yummy.
imp and wenwenzz : Thank you! But looks can be quite deceiving sometimes. Heh. This cake is pretty so so (my standard that is). I can't wait to do it right then i can really tell if it's good or not :P
cherie dear, can you share the recipe for the mango dessert in the glass? that one looks attemptable :p
Sure pink! Gimme a moment ya..
err wait.. do u think the mango pudding or the mango in the cup is easier? hehe.. or is it the same thing :p
Definitely mango pudding!
okies! then i'll wait that recipe from you :)
hehe.. i'm such a kitchen disaster. was looking at a recipe yesterday and it said "puree" and i was thinking "huh, how to puree?? how come no instructions??"
Hehe.. email u now :)
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