This is the b.e.s.t chocolate cake i've ever eaten.
Made from Valrhona 55%.
I know it doesn't look like it but it is! Trust me. I'm a fussy pot when it comes to cakes and especially more when it's my own baking. If the cake isn't good, i rather not eat it. I mean, why waste my stomach space? :P
This was the cake which i mentioned here, a few posts before this. This was also the cake which i'd invited Davis and her girls over for but unfortunately, she couldn't make it due to weak stomach that day. Davis dear, next time okay? ;)
I must say, the chocolate is as creamy as this. Really comparable! A good dark chocolate is a MUST use when it comes baking this. No buts :P
I was pretty disappointed at how the pictures above turned out. Really couldn't capture the real 'beauty' of the cake.
The last picture here (above) was taken at the very last minute when i was pigging out, hoping it'll do some justice to the chocolate cake. Grin. It was made from the extra chocolate and the cut out chocolate sponge cake after the above 8" cake tin was filled up to the rim.
Sorry dearie. Reason -> in the next post.
Now this is what I call a totally 'sinful' cake :p
U bet! Nothing beats this, for the time being that is :P
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