Monday, May 07, 2007

Oat cookies

I have a packet of unused rolled oats which will be expiring soon.. Didn't want to waste it so here it is...

out churned a whole bunch of Oat cookies, since i cannot bake bread with it. My bread baking really really cannot make it :(

Pic taken during daytime

Hb likes bringing snacks to work to munch or sometimes, even as a meal replacement when he missed his lunch (that explains why he's so skinny!). Chicken biscuits lah, granola bars lah, dried mango lah etc. So what does a good wife *ahem* do? :P

Ta dah..

Pic taken at night, hence, bad lighting

A jar filled with oat cookies for the husband! A jar that was bought just for this purpose on the very day itself *pat pat myself for being so good* Lol.

But you know what?

The husband hor, didn't even say thank you or give me any air kissing kiss-kiss leh!*roll eyes*

Someone pass me the rotan please!


imp said...

heee. then pinch him and remind him these cookies taste better than buying them frm the supermarket!!!!

bossacafez said...

so nice of u sherie! but...isnt the jar abit heavy to lug to work? :p

^cherie said...

imp : haha.. i totally forgot about pinching!! Been a while since i last do that.. i should really start again! :P

evan : *grin* Must take care of him ah.. one of my wicked tactics to keep him by my side! Shhhhh.. :PppP

Hb drives, so he can bring anything to work, including take-away lunch plus soup! Heh.