Saturday, June 30, 2007

A very funny husband

I think i have the weirdest husband of all..

On this particular day after our visit to hb's friend baby full month celebration, hb said this..

Hb : Do you notice that all my friends' wives do not dress up?
Me : Yeah, abit..

Hb : Why do you then?
Me : Do i? I just wear more appropriate clothings that's all (fyi, i was just wearing a tee and a knee length berms). I don't really dress up wat.. What i wear today costs less than $100 in total, including my bag okay!
Hb : But your belt colour matches your shoes and bag's colour.
Me : *silent*
Hb: I notice most of those decent, educated, working women don't really dress up, like these Hwa Chong's students (hb, hb's friends and hb's friend's wives were from HC)
Me : You prefer me to look like them?
Hb : Yeah..
Me : You saying i'm not decent nor educated huh?
Hb : Yeah.. (really trying to be funny)
Me : *slap hb's arm and thigh. Oh-bee*


That's not all!

Hb also prefers me to be overweight. He prefers me with post natal weight. The more (kg) the merrier!

I honestly think hb prefers me to look like ah soh. Can you imagine?

Seriously, do you know any man like this?

What a funny husband.. *kabish*

Note : i realised it's not that hb's friends' wives don't dress up or not put in effort. It's just that they wear clothings that are not their size so they ended up looking not dress up. Get what i mean?

eg : Jeans and a tee.. everyone wears that but if one is not wearing the right size and another does, the contrast will be as great as black and white..


imp said...

i think u've great taste in clothes. please hor, don't listen to the husband!!! be predddddy!!!!

^cherie said...

Lol.. yes mam!

No listen to the husband it is :P

celest said...

hahaha.. your hubby must be scared you're attracting too much attention from other men... that's why trying to get you to "underdress", put on some weight lol.

oh well, tell your hubby he'll just have to buck up, dress better to match you all the time ;)

^cherie said...

Hahahhahahaa.. Shhhhhh.. :pppPP