I really do!
I miss the connection and interaction with people.
I miss writing.
I miss reading comments.
I miss spending time on the computer.
I miss photographing food pictures [no blogging, no motivation to bake liao :P ]
I miss having my work being read and appreciated.
I miss having to do research on certain phrases/ words that i need to use before posting my entry up.
My very last photograph after closing my blog. I don't even take photos anymore since then. Part of it because of no-more-blogging but the main reason is that i have really lousy cameras which i have totally given up on >.<
I feel lost from the outside world.
I am having withdrawal symptoms from no blogging.
I feel lonely.
I feel not so clever anymore since blogging does improve one's intellectual, eg ; improve one's english, keep the brain working coz blogging is like having an assignment, having to read up, do research on certain facts.
The Capsule Hotel Asakusa Riverside :

Great location but me no fancy at all.
I can never imagine sleeping in a capsule as such. It does not only look like an oven, it looks like the place where they store the body before being cremated!
And i. i. i am claustrophobic!
But the best part is, it's only a stone throw away from the subway and it only costs a little as $26 - $52, in Tokyo!!!
Still, i am claustrophobic!
Yeah, i am still here. Didn't leave again. Because the husband loves me, or so he claims =_=
Dear readers,
I have decided to close down this blog finally.
Nope, there isn't any nasty comment nor nasty folk stalking me.
In fact, it has been very enjoyable for me, to blog.
Through this blog, i've got to know her, the beautiful stranger who has been treating me like an old friend. She was there for me when she thought i was having problems but i wasn't. She was also the first or rather, the only one who actually sent me birthday present through mail even though we've never met! (have u sent any birthday pressie to someone you've not met before?) And she was also almost the first person who would say 'I'd buy!' whenever i wanna sell something.
Babe, u have no idea how touched and how happy you made me y'know!
To this day, i have only met her once, for a brief 3-4 minutes? :)
But really, getting to know this girl is one of the most wonderful thing that has happened because of my blog. I am truly blessed for she took interest in me upon chancing my blog accidentally on a one fine day. Haha.
Anyway, thank you for reading and to those who sometimes leave a comment or 2, i honestly do love reading all your lovely comments.
Me like interactions [cos social skill is not needed] :P and i'm sure i will miss blogging for you. Blogging knowing that u have someone reading it and blogging knowing that no one is reading it are so totally different..
So yupyup, when u finally cannot access my blog anymore, that would mean i have already shut it down yea?
Last but not least, Happy Chinese New Year! May the year of rat will bring you much joy, happiness, health and good fortune :)
Am referring to the husband!
Hb has been pumping himself up these days. Could it be because of me woohing and waahing over the nice springy square chests and those countable 6 packs on the models/actors? :P
Anyhow, it's a good thing i say.
. that means the husband is getting fitter and healthier definitely. Chances of me dying before him is there now! Hahaha :P
. hb will look good in fitting tops
. hb will look bigger and broader than me for once! [i hope]
. i will have a nice teddy bear to hug whilst sleeping instead of a bony one :P
Last but not least, now i can squeeze squeeze hb's D cup already before going to sleep or just to irritate hb whenever i feel like it especially if he were to do anything to me which he always does!
Or when hb is halfway taking his shirt off! *squeeze*squeeze*
Ho ho ho!
Another overdue post! *hide*
The gf's wedding was on Dec 15th!
Anyway, for the very first time, i was asked to be one of ji muis [sisters] for the morning tea ceremony as my other married gfs didn't have one.
The gorgeous bride and i. Gosh.. i practically had to hide my giant arms away because the bride's arms were like THAT! Nope, i won't wanna show or tell u how big mine is! 'giant' would do. I'm too embarrassed!
And then, THE wedding dinner.
All my life, i have not been to one this grand.

Sure, i have been to many many in 5/6 stars hotel but somehow, this gf's wedding tops the cake.
With the very awesome deco and theme, not to mention.. the food.

Sounds like any normal Chinese wedding dinner menu aye?
Then u are so so wrong!
Because that was what i thought too.
The .food. fits fine dining bill perfectly.
And it's not Cheena. It's fusion with the fine dining very artistic deco style which we were served exactly that for every each of us individually.
The quality?
I wasn't expecting much initially as i'd been to the exact hotel for another gf's wedding dinner 1.5 years ago. You know, the normal standard..
Until i had my first bite for dish no.1.
I was completely blown away.
There after, i kept looking forward to the next dish, and the next and the next, not only for the food but also for the presentation as well ;)
Just for you to get a rough idea of what i'm blabbering about, here's my dessert..
Mango Galangal soup - vanilla milk ice cream + almond twirl. Oh, the choc cake behind it? It's the wedding cake which the beautiful couple cut on stage! How cool is that?
I finished every drop of it needless to say though i felt like a stuffed turkey!
Unfortunately, this is the only food photo i managed to capture because i was too busy looking forward to the food and savouring them! :P
Last but not least, my ex schoolmates and i.

I don't remember telling anyone but this is my ugliest hair style ever!!!!!!!
I will be kind and spare you the details. But seriously, i had never felt so ugly in my entire life before. [right after facial not included!]
My hair was ironed to stick straight and totally flat! Like flat's FLAT. No kidding. I specifically told her stylist to just blow dry for the Pantene effect but die die also tried to persuade me to straighten it using the iron.
As a nice girl, i didn't have the heart to say no so many times.
By the time i got home, i had only 5 minutes [no thanks to the 'ironing'! which took more than an hour to do - she told me it'd be done in 15 mins and i stupidly believed her. Ugh. Simple blow dry would be just 10-15 mins max? which was what i had estimated that fits my schedule perfectly] to change and do my make up - which i didn't of course - take ang pow [i forgot about the money and had to borrow from friends!], clutch and visiting the loo before another gf came to pick me up.
Throughout the whole night, i was consciously messing up the hair [so it won't be so flat] or covered half my face with the hair because i was totally unpresentable :(
It was really a disaster -> me.
Thank God for the food and incredible companions whom somehow made me felt a little normal. Yeah, i thought i looked pretty abnormal. Haha :P
And the bride, whoaaaaaaa.. she was breathtakingly beautiful and she's my girlfriend! ^.^
The beautiful couple and our chocolate cake! ^.^
So beautifully captured
p.s : i also happened to have the worst break out ever on the gf's wedding day which started a week before that and lasted all the way to January due to switch in products. Ugh!
This is another cookie i did for Chinese New Year which happens to be just around the corner!
Time really does fly!

I dare say this has to be one of the yummiest peanut cookies i've ever had.
Crispy on the outside but melt in the mouth once it's in. Very nutty and the sweetness is just right.
I love it!!
Credits : Jo, the IK Admin - xie xie nie .. if u are reading this Jo :D
As i had mentioned before, this is my first year to bake cny goodies. Usually i get them from my mil - who usually buys for me as well - but this year is an exception.
So far, i've done 3 batches [including today] of pineapple tarts and 2 batches of the peanut cookies for family, friends and relatives. The feedbacks i got is very positive [i only gave to 5 friends who live nearby mostly] even though the packaging was terrible! *hide* [everything was too last minute!]
So good that i actually earned myself a customer already, whom already 'booked' my 1st order for my next year's bake since i am not selling any this year. Grin.
Thank you Davis!! :*
In fact, i sort of know what kind of packaging i'll do too! Something not ordinary but very nice :P
OOooooo, i cannot wait.
Of course, i will be selling to friends only as i am closing this blog soon ;)
I love beautiful earrings!
That's the only accessories i wear actually. I don't really do bracelets [got watch and the jade already on both hands], necklaces [i think i've got short neck!] or anklets [er.. simply lor].
So, it all boils down to wearing earrings only.
My only accessory to dress me up :)
Usually, i get the nice but affordable ones because me money not enough to buy Katriel's or the earrings at Tangs' Level 2. Far too expensive for me even though i loveee them to bits. I only go to admire but never to buy.
Recently i couldn't resist the temptation to not buy the slightly more expensive earrings. They are simply too pretty!! ^.^
But of course, they are not so that expensive lah but expensive enough for my $20 budget. Grin. Nevertheless, still within my 2nd budget.. $50 :P
So yup yup, may i present you.. my very gorgeous earrings [in my opinion lah! :P]
1st pair :
I'm currently searching for a gold hoop, same size as my silver one so that i can have more variety! :)
This is what i couldn't resist. The butterfly!
2nd pair :
Bought this because i needed a black pair of earring and i find it quite special too. Me like the stone in the middle ;)
Forgot what stone it is though. I was told by the lady boss. For these 2 pairs, i had a total of $10 discount because the lady boss liked me! She said we got 'yuan' worr. Grin. Yay for me definitely :P
3rd pair :
Lovely isn't it? I couldn't take my eyes of it! Plus the auntie oh.. wah, really know how to talk man.. i was resisting hard initially. Then, she talked and talked and talked and finally, i relented. As she said, for Chinese New Year mah! Oki lor... i also got discount [15%!] for this pair. Tee hee hee...
Aihss.. how to say no?!?!
I loveeeee my new earrings!! :P
because i need one.
Not a good enough answer?
Here's why :
i - i love and enjoy photography tremendously though my standard is not there yet definitely
ii - lucky beautiful shots make me happy
iii - the 1 years and 4 months old pocket size camera $599 (or was it $699) cannot make it. the quality is worst than a $200 Canon
iv - the 7 years old $1.6k camera also cannot make it. Because ~
- it can only take at most 10 shots at 1 go before the batteries die even though i fully charged it beforehand
- even after charging the batteries but leaving it there for 1 day unused, i couldn't use it again the next day to take photos
- the problem doesn't lie in the batteries. i tried many different sets already but with same result
- if i were to use normal disposable AA batteries, it will only last me for less than 30 shots. Worth it?
- oh, the best part is.. sometimes just right after baking when i'm all excited with the goodies and really wanna snap a couple of photos, the camera refuses to work at all due to low batt or worst, just right after getting 1-2 shots or 3-4, it goes 'diiiiiiiiiiiit' and shut down by itself. Wah seh.. the reaction/expression of me is totally priceless man..
- it has ugly camera bag which stains my white bag or my not-black tops
v - last but not least, because i say I WANT ONE!
The thing is.. i am not sure which one i wanna buy first.
Buy headache, don't buy headache.
Best is to buy 2 together lorr :P
Yeah, it has been that overdue!
It happened on the Christmas afternoon of 2007.. when hb was at home [which is pretty rare, especially in the afternoons] and i decided to bake everyone something mainly because hb loveeeess freshly baked goodies and he cannot resist it :P
I picked something chocolate-y as it is everyone's favourite.
An almost flourless warm and dark chocolate cake, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream of course! :)

It's pretty nutty actually as the almond meal replaces most of the flour.
I like!

It was just too bad that i couldn't find any Christmas-related cake decoration to put on top of the cake, especially after the layer of snow white layer of snow i shook on top.
Otherwise, it would be perfect for a nice lazy Christmas afternoon tea.