When i went to do my hair 2 weeks ago, i decided to bake a dozen of banana muffins and white chocolate muffins to bring along for the staffs at Toni & Guy, Holland Village. Didn't feel nice if i were to go empty handed especially when my cutting, hair colouring and treatments are free *wink*.
Very unfortunately, the banana muffins which i made were without baking powder!! Which explains why the muffins with almond above didn't rise tall enough. I only realised that my baking powder had finished, during the creaming the butter with sugar stage. Heh. But i went ahead and still bake them and like the previous time, it turned out very 'kueh' like. Banana kueh instead of banana muffin :P
As for the white chocolate muffins, let's just say.. the recipe ought to go straight into the rubbish bin! Not nice at all.. :S
From now on, i'll stick to tried and tested recipes instead, until i'm feeling adventurous again :P
but i'm sure it'll still taste good. you can bake so well!!
why you got free haircuts??? how do i get that???!!!!
Thanks imp :)
Ahh.. i don't have to pay because my sil is one of the directors ;)
wah.. so nice! so sweeeeeet of you! OMG! even your so-called disaster muffins look so delish!!
aiyo... the muffins look so good, better than those you see in the bakeries leh. seriously, you should start up your own business and take small "limited quantities" orders every week or something. i showed my colleagues your chocolate muffin pics. and they've been talking about it every now and then. hehehe.. if you're taking orders, i have a whole waiting list here! :D
oh btw, my office is near holland village. next time you drop by, call me for lunch or something ;)
Hahaha.. thank you thank you *blush*blush*.
No lah.. i just feel it'll be nicer to bring something to the staffs since i'm related to sil. Moreover, if i'm working, i think i will really be very happy if customers buy/bring food for me. Will lighten up my day! :)
Hehe.. ok ok, let me know how many muffins u want. I'll bake especially for you and your collegues *wink* [will sms you in a while]
Sure thing, will call you the next time i go HV, which is soon, maybe next week or somethin :)
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