The little flower cakes here were done for the kids using egg tart moulds. Boy, i had a tough time getting the cakes out even though i greased the moulds. Don't think i am able to line it.
This cake was baked solely due to 2 reasons..
- inspired by Angie after seeing her cute little steamed chocolate cupcake on her extra cute leaf plate
- constant pestering from Shuoze who has been requesting me to buy chocolate cake for him whenever we pass a bakery shop and of course, whenever i bake a cake which is not a chocolate cake, he'll go 'why not chocolate cake? i want chocolate cake'

You must be thinking, aiyoh.. made so much! *lol* Well, it was by mistake.
Initially, i intended to do only half the recipe but after mixing the wet ingredients, i realised i didn't 'half' the sugar like others *kabish*.
So i had no choice but to add the rest of the half ingredients in since i do not want to end up with an overly sweet cake.
And as for the loaf cake which is also from the same batter [yes, it is that much], it was meant for our own consumption. Hence, no decorating except for the chocolate ganache.
Usually for cakes, i always forgo the frosting, icing, bla bla bla except chocolate ganache which is the only exception because we simply love chocolates! I normally use Val Rhona chocolate for all my bakes and ganache. Simply heaven..

See how moist and sinful it is? Almost the best chocolate cake recipe i've ever had *wink*. Must really thank Dralion from KC for her brilliant recipe :)
But you know what?
Even if my waist does expand because of it, it's worth it :P
I totally agree with you on your last sentence, these cakes are hard to resist. Love your cake with the dripping fudge!
May i know how u did the chocolate ganache?
O.My.Gosh. you're evil!!! i've this chocolate craving right now.
Angie : Thanks! Yeah, the cake is totally irrisistable. Lol.
Anon : For myself, i use 200g dark chocolate, roughly 50g unsalted butter and 2-3 tbsp of milk.
Mix everything together over double boil with contant stirring till everything is mixed. Remove and let it cool before topping the cake.
imp : Grin evilly. Glad that you 'like' it :P
"1 1/2 bar of butter (250 gm + 125 gm) OR Corn Oil"
errr how much oil do we add? 250ml + 125ml?
375g in total =)
1) 375g in total.how do we measure oil in grams?
2) steam at medium heat, medium heat is....?? i have one of those chinese 3 layer steamers to be over a gas stove (the type where we can see fire)
*red face* u can tell i'm really not a cook!
No worries =)
1- preferably by digital weighing machine
2- medium heat.. hmm, how to explain this. I also roughly agar agar, as long fire not too small and not too big, then it's ok
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