I love the colour combination of this green tea snowskin mooncake i made for my mom a couple of weeks ago.
However, i was not a big fan of it though. Green tea mooncake simply just isn't my thing. Thankfully my parents like it and so does hb.
I guess that is what matters most right, for us who cook and bake? *grin* Seeing others liking our hard bake goodies and food :D
Next up is something which i baked today for the very first time.
Spiral teochew yam mooncake.
*whoa* This, i have to admit is really tough. Not so much on the process but more to skill wise. Needs lotsa practise and kung fu to make it perfect. Nevertheless, thick skin me decided to share my 1st batch of very ugly looking mooncakes just for laughs. Lol.
Initially, i was really really disappointed when i saw the mooncakes fresh from oven. So disappointed that i actually called my mom and hb to complain about it.
But guess what? All my hardwork somehow did pay off when hb took his first bite. Hehe. All he said was, hey (yes, that's what hb calls me sometimes, so loving right? *kabish*).. you can bring some up to ah mee and all (my in laws) to try. They'll like it.
That.. was enough to make my day from my gold-made mouth big boy. Haha :P
your green tea mooncake looks really lovely cherie. the yam spiral one isnt too bad either. i bet mine would look 10x worse if i made it LOL. but too bad mooncake isnt really my thing and i hv no "desire" to make that too. i just love to eat thats all :p
oh by the way are u a pure chinese? you're really pretty n u look like a eurasian to me :)
Thanks evan! U are too kind..:)
I'm a pure chinese. Just that sometimes i don't look like one :P
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