Sort of.
Because that was what the pig requested for this year as his birthday's dinner today.
Usually, we'd go up to the in law's place for a mini celebration but this year, our 1st year actually.. hb wanna stay at home due to the late working hours.
It's that time of the year again. Clearing the year-long-kept-precious. Heh.
So last week, i opened 1 can and cooked it with the exact noodles and exact style i cook today. Hb loves it, which, is why he requested for the same dish again today.
Of course it is not really that instant noodle noodle.
The similarity ends at the noodle used.
For the broth, i used ikan bilis [as usual], accumulated prawn heads and the abalone broth itself that comes together with the abalone in the can. (no salt needed)
And oh, some wolfberries too!
As for the rest of the ingredients used, it's no secret at all.. as you can see from the above picture :)
(the usual minced pork, sliced mushrooms, prawns, egg, fishballs, vegetables and sliced abalone)
You know, my 2 boys who usually need an hour to finish up their dinner actually finished their noodles within 10 minutes. No kidding here!
Hb and i were amazed to no end :P
It is really good. Trust me!
Go and try cooking it yourself. Hope you will love it as much as we do :D
Happy 35th Birthday to my pig! :*
May you .... *toot*toot*toot* [censored! *ahem* for some reason]
Oink oink :@
this looks absolutely fantastic!!! my favorite way to eat abalone!!!! yumz. but i'm so not going to try cooking this on my own. heeeeee.
wohoo the noodle looks very very yummy...
happy birthday to Sherie's hubby hehe..
btw, i am waiting for beepbeep's bday report lei...
more pic on beepbeep?
imp : hhehehehehe... ask the man! *wink*
Yo : Thank you! [from the hubby] Ahh.. that report ah.. quite long leh .. that's why i'm taking some time but it's coming! :D
the yummiest meal is always the one cooked with lotsa love.. and urs definitely is a winner in all ways! *winks*
Happy Birthday to him!
tweetybird : Thank you! :)
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