Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The sweetest thing

These days, whenever i hear this song 'The Sweetest Thing' playing on the radio.. i'll think of beep because he is really the sweetest thing ever.

The clip below was recorded by the husband on the first few days after we came back home from KL.

psssttt : he knows he's being filmed hence the very shy and conscious face! Tak boleh tahan.. Heh :P

It's Beep's 1st birthday today! :*

And he hasn't taken his first baby step [read : walking] yet unlike his 2 other korkor who started walking on the day before their 1st birthday but i am not complaining because i much prefer beep to crawl a little longer before he starts to walk. Good for the brain they say...

The birthday boy is currently taking his nap... i can't wait for later!

*off to decorate the cake*

Keeping my fingers cross that it'll turn out okay as i've planned! [the cake decorating that is]


celest said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Shuoli! (did i get his name right?)

haha.. he looks really adorable in the video! big round eyes! innocent/shy... so cute! :)

^cherie said...

Keke.. it's ShuoQian dear. ShuoLi is no.2 :)

Thanks girl.. that fella hor, is a monster in disguise! Serious.

Don't get fooled by his innocent-act! :P