It was my 1st time organizing a party for the kids.
The 2 elder boys never had one before. Usually, it'd be celebration with the in laws and that's it. But for beep's 1st birthday, i itchy backside went on to organize one and i'm sure glad i did :)
As the party started around 2.30pm, it meant tea party. No real food. Just finger food and all.
I like having not too many people in parties. Nice, cozy and comfortable. I'm not so much of a social butterfly. In fact, i don't really know how to socialize. In some ways, i think i'm very much of an introvert :P
For the party, i only invited 2 close gfs over + their brood.
It may sound very few but when they were all here, gosh... it was worst than pasar malam! Lol.
But i like.
The food that i prepared with 2 helpers :
Besides the food above, we also have the boring ham and cheese sandwich :P
Last but not least, pressies for the birthday boy!
And the gfs didn't only gave pressie to the birthday boy, the mommy also have! *yay*. So nice of them. Heh.
2 of the items were lugged back all the way from the UK ;)
Thank you Angels *muaks*
All in all, it was a happy happy day for all. It was a blast =)
Nice party ...
Next time invite me...haha!
CAN! :)
Tel no please? :P
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