my very own chocolate cheese cake :D

It actually consists 2 layers of chocolate sponge cake and the middle layer is the cheese. I know it sounds like a weird combination but i tell ya, it's absolutely delicious! I'd gone to heaven and came back. Lol.
There's only 1 word to describe it : Addictive.
Will definitely bake this again very soon. Hee hee. It would look prettier and more presentable if i were to cover the cake with chocolate ganache but then, it would be so rich that it'll be bad for my waist :P
You see, i'm actually on diet now. *ahem* Hopefully i can do it ah, for the dress' sake *vainpot me*
oooh... this chocolate cheese cake looks and sounds real yummy! really wish i have a proper oven at home now. i want that! yumm yumm...
hey kaki, I'm very interested to learn this cake of yrs, can teach me? pls pls pls??? i go yr house and learn this cake...pls pls pls...
Whoaaaaaaaa can I be ur student????
I want a taste of that. Looks yummilicious!
*grin* Thanks girlies. The cake was finished within a day! Scary..
Celest, go get one quick ;)
Mindy, sure sure. Next week yeah?
Liv, lol.. i'm just an amateur baker la. Paiseh man.
Carolyn, come come :D
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