This is indeed my new toy : Kenwood Chef Mixer KM001.
Cost : S$700 (cant remember the exact price but roughly around this price)
Okie, it's not exactly new. I've had it close to a month now. Since i'm a procrastinator, it's not surprising to have me posted this out now yeah? :P
Not much mood to blog today.. hence, this 'toy' came in handy for an entry.
This is what i find amazing (extracted from its description) :
amazing versatility with over 20 optional attachments: liquidisers, juicers, food processors, slicer and shredder, mincer, ice-cream maker, pasta maker and many more.
I can actually buy all kinda attachments, attach to the machine on top and voila!
Er, do the attachments sound like parasite to you? Hehe.
Anyway, i am glad i got this finally. Makes my life so much more pleasurable. But i didn't buy it myself. My mother in law got it for me, indirectly. Initially, she told me it was for herself but after i brought her to buy it, she told me to take it home instead. She knows how much i wanted one from the start. And my old mixer? [which was hers as well] It's now at her house for her own use.
Not many daughter in law would say this but i do love my mother in law to bits!
I am very blessed to have such nice in laws, the whole lot of them :D
Yr blog put a smile on my face, yes, yr mil is really sweet! We're both lucky gers to hv mils who are very good to us!
Yeah! *hi5*
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