I just got my Chef last week.
It was in the service centre for more than 3 weeks already. It's about time... else i'd report kidnap! :P
The first thing i wanted to bake was some really solid butter cake or sugee cake. I craved for it. However i got lazy, postponed and postponed until i could stand myself no more! Grin.
Instead of the cakes i craved, i baked this... something which i have been preparing to bake since ages ago. Didn't wanna waste the soon-to-be-expired ingredients.
Pralet, made famous by Jo. A nice girlie girl :)
I know!
The deco sucks right?? Hahahahhaa... i feel rather ashamed actually but i still wanna post this up! Something which i might laugh at myself later when i read back :P
I took quite sometime to do this cake. I wonder if it's because i had stopped baking for a month or something. The hands got slow. Grin.
But come to think not really though. This cake does take quite a bit of time.
I had to do the sponge, then the biscuit layer, the chocolate mousse, the chocolate topping and last but not least, the decoration.
That, is a whole lot of work!
In total, i took 2-3 hours, including refrigerating before assembling.
This cake, has quite many layer as i have kinda described above.
From bottom :
the sponge, the biscuit layer where the biscuit [or rather feuilletine(sp?) to be exact] got coated with nutella, melted chocolate and butter, 2nd sponge layer, chocolate mousse -- whipped cream + sugar syrup + stiff peaks egg + melted choc -- that has power alcohol [rum + grand marnier] content, 3rd sponge layer, chocolate mousse again and finally, the chocolate topping.
So how do i like this?
Initially, i don't. I somehow still prefer my truffle cake. Hehehehehehe..
But. After 2 more slices, i fell in love with it. It was really good. I guess it takes time, for me that is. Perhaps because i am biased towards my truffle cake! :P But for others eg; helper + hb + kids + bestie, it was love at first mouth *wink*.
The alcohol was really power. I actually felt my throat getting 'heated up' everytime i eat it. No joke. No wonder some of the testimonials stated 'got high from eating this'. But i didn't la of course. Just had that 'hot' sensation at the throat. Same kinda hotness that i get whenever i drink my DOM. Heh.
Photos. I am pretty thankful that the photos turned out alright.
The first time i shot the cake, i was like dang, again.. the photos can't bring out the cake that i wanna describe, just like my truffle cake. It doesn't look appealing at all. Does no justice to it. Then, after a couple of hours, i decided to give it another try.
This time, i put in some effort. I was determined to do it properly. That includes lying on the stomach and taking the photos from various angles. I have always been quite put off by taking food photos. As much as i lurveee photography, the camera i have turns me off. I want a new camera! On top of that, i have got no props too :(
No nice mats, no nice tea towels, no nice cutleries, plates, bowls etc. What i have is rather sad. I tried hunting up and down for table mats and tea towels especially but to no avail. I like bright and colourful colour ones but i can never find them. Aihhss...
And and.. no background. Because the camera is ultra sensitive to lighting, i can only do my shooting in the balcony. I like having 1 colour plain background + surface eg; a white wall and a white surface.
But yeah, anyway.. i am glad the second time round, the photos turned out okie. But not the first photo though, coz i took that shot during my first round. Can't re-shoot it coz the cake has been half eaten by then! :P
It looks very nice! I am drooling all the way here from Canada!
a yummy sinful cake!
*salivating on the chocolate layers*
choco + alcohol ...
The effort you put in can be seen! These set of pictures are very very well taken. The cake look good too!
Nice cake .. pix is good.
Btw .. we have the same mixer...*wink*
What happened to it? that req. servicing?
carolyn + yo :Thank you girls... hehhe.. :)
elyn : Thanks! I was lucky ah.. the weather was just nice when i took it :P
paw paw : Hee.. don't you just love the mixer! I heart it wholeheartedly.. oh, some bolts and nuts got loose. So whenever i close the er.. not sure what you call it, after putting the bowl to start mixing, it's not smooth like what it used to be.
Besides servicing that faulty part, they did some maintenance too. Now, it's good as new again ;)
Yeah...this mixer is a real good investment. I love it alot.
Did U get a second bowl?
Ahh! I see .. the problem .. Hope mine will behave all the way. :P
I am very tempted! Was tempted for a long time already but in the end, i decided not to. Heee..
Firstly, too ex! Costs $100+ and then also, my pantry no space anymore. So, better not to get. So, it's washing again and again, sometimes up to 5 times just for 1 bake.. :P
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