When i first saw it..
i got weak in the knees.
my heart stopped beating for a while.
my head felt light and dizzy.
my stomach suddenly had lotsa butterflies.
my hunger subsided.
my appetite gone completely.
I, had to lie down for a while to regain my composure. Under the fast and furious fan that is. I needed to catch my breath back for sure.
What exactly did i see?
Nope, not the Tiffany Atlas ring with diamonds that i have been eyeing for.
Nope, not a whole room filled with red rose petals too.
Sadly, not some air tickets for a holiday which i have been dreaming of.
So, what exactly did i see?
I saw this..
Yes, i saw a ball.
Actually, 2 orange balls to be exact.
2 very very small orange balls.
You must be thinking "sherie's gone nuts, right?!".
But you know what?
I bet, if u were to see it, you would have felt exactly like me. No kidding!
i saw them in here.
Can you see it?
Right inside the ear for pete's sake!! *faint*
Deep deep in.
Not 1 side, but both sides.
So, which mommy won't feel what i felt?
Didi aka boy2 stuffed 2 balls into his ears, one side each with chopsticks! No one noticed anything amiss until the boy started taking lotsa tissues from the tissue box. When asked why, he calmly said it was for the balls inside his ears.
The boy was still running around, laughing and laughing thinking it was funny. I tell ya, it is so not funny! I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Or whether to scold or love.
I was very calm at first. I managed to get 1 ball out. But when the other ball at another side refused to budge but went in deeper, that was the time i started to feel all the above. I called the hospital immediately and asked for advise.
Even though it was TMC [Thomson Medical Centre] that i called, i was advised to proceed straight to KKH instead. I was told that i needed to go KKH for they are better equipped *gasp*. And that that that that nurse i was talking to, was laughing throughout the conversation! She found it amusing! But then, who wouldn't?
When i called the husband a few seconds later, the husband also found it amusing. So we waited for the husband to come home before going to KKH together.
Hb insisted on trying to get the ball out when he came home against my wish. After many tries, he still couldn't. And me?
Hiding in another room, the heart can take no more seeing how deep in the ball was. Just when we were gonna leave for the hospital, hb decided to give it one last try, this time using another 'tool'. See below.
The tool that hb and i used : the metal one.
The tool which hb used later on : the green one, the sharp end.
As we were about to reach the in laws' house to drop the kids, hb told me to check the boy's ear once more. [i was already in the jelly-like condition no joke]
Guess what?
The ball was gone!!
That donkey husband managed to get the ball out after all, during his last try using the green tool! And he didn't even tell me! Arrrgghh...
So smack, hit, curse, glare it was. Hb so so deserved it for causing me an addition of 15 minutes of misery.
Thank god the ball came out. My emotions got so mixed that i dragged the boy into the room, hugged him tight and cried out loud. Heh. Boy said sorry, promised not to do it anymore and sayang me back for causing the mommy so much tears... aihss...
My lost appetite remained lost despite of the reversed situation.
OMGozzzz.....Tat is really scary.
If it's me..I'll completely freak out.
That reminded me of something...when I was young..my cousins & I ...stuffed the seeds from sweet peas into out nossy.
We had to sniff pepper to sneeze the seeds out...cuz we could not dig them at all ..they only got deeper in.
We had a good hamtum workout from our parents after that. haha!
Thanks for coming bk with the brand of the curry....I like products fm that brand too. :P
oh my goodness!!! what a huge scare!
thankfully all okay. whew!
Paw paw : U're most welcome :)
Yeah! My sis in law did that too, stuffed things into her nose. Long story! Think i'll write that as an entry.
imp : yeah loh, that boy ah! Almost gave me a heart attack.. but yeah, thankfully everything's okie now :)
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