Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Baked this..


Nope, it's not carrot cake.

It's called Passion Cake :D

The difference is in the ingredients. This has mashed banana and also grated lemon rind. As far as i know, carrot cakes do not have these 2 ingredients. So, yeah.. passion cake it is :)

As usual, i love the cream cheese frosting. Yums!

Ahem. Not gonna give any to my in laws anymore. Everytime, seriously, everytime i bring some of my food over (be it baked goodies or cooked ones), they are never enthusiastic about it. Worst is, it's always left unfinished on the counter *boo-hoo*. How sad can it get right?

I know that they don't snack or eat desserts but still, i cant stomach the sight of my hard baked/cooked food on their counter after days since i left it there.

From now on, i'm gonna benefit my neighbour instead. Lol.

My 0.5 cents:

The best pleasure which one can derive from cooking/ baking is not the process itself, no matter how passionate we are about cooking/baking.. but it is the sheer joy of seeing our guests or family or friends enjoying the food we prepared for them.


Mindy said...

LOL...me me me sure would appreciate yr food & cakes!

^cherie said...

Aww.. so nice of you! I deliver to you next time when i make one :)