Yesterday was Sz's birthday celebration in school but his real birthday falls on the 12th, a Sunday.
We had such great fun. A total blast! The kids were ecstatic and Sz, the birthday boy was beaming and glowing, just by sitting in front of his cars-with-tracks-cake and telling everyone he sees.. this -> "It's my birthday!". Lol.

Let's talk about the goodie bags, which contained 2 chocolate shortbread cookies topped with M&M and colourful rice each.
Made such goodie bags instead of the norm ones which consist of snacks, sweets and chocolates is because..
1- i wanna save money. Lol.
2- i wanna be different
Last but not least, it looks more like a small project to me (i love doing projects or things that involved planning, organising and achieving, esp more if it needs a bit of creativity, lotsa brainstorming for a solution or many solutions). Since i don't have the chance to work or any chance to work at all (from the way i'm going) , this is one of the little things i can do to satisfy my inner needs of handling projects bla bla bla. This goodie bag actually involves choosing the right cookie to bake, decorating it and wrapping. Sounds like a no brainer right? Lol.. but it's not.
You see, (oh no, grandmother story!) the cookies i wanna bake was supposed to be a perfect shape of round which have 2 eyes and a nose of M&Ms but the dough turned out soft again despite me using hand to knead (so i suspect it's the recipe! afterall, i got it from a kiddo book *bleah*).
So i shaped it with my hands instead. Since it's not gonna be a perfect round, i skipped the eyes and nose part. Instead, i decorated them with colour rice and 1 M&M only to make it look more appealing to children. Thankfully, it tastes great! Hehe..
Initially, i wanted to finish the wrapping off with a ribbon tied around but i would need at least 4 metres for it which would cost about $6-7? So ex! Kinda defeat my purpose of saving $$$ right? So, decided to stick to cellotape and that's it. At the very last minute, after looking at the plain goodie bags, an idea just popped and there you have it, as you can see from the photo, a cut out star with Sz's name on it to brighten up the goodie bags :D
Ok ok, i admit.. it's quite a no brainer project afterall.. :P
Made such goodie bags instead of the norm ones which consist of snacks, sweets and chocolates is because..
1- i wanna save money. Lol.
2- i wanna be different
Last but not least, it looks more like a small project to me (i love doing projects or things that involved planning, organising and achieving, esp more if it needs a bit of creativity, lotsa brainstorming for a solution or many solutions). Since i don't have the chance to work or any chance to work at all (from the way i'm going) , this is one of the little things i can do to satisfy my inner needs of handling projects bla bla bla. This goodie bag actually involves choosing the right cookie to bake, decorating it and wrapping. Sounds like a no brainer right? Lol.. but it's not.
You see, (oh no, grandmother story!) the cookies i wanna bake was supposed to be a perfect shape of round which have 2 eyes and a nose of M&Ms but the dough turned out soft again despite me using hand to knead (so i suspect it's the recipe! afterall, i got it from a kiddo book *bleah*).
So i shaped it with my hands instead. Since it's not gonna be a perfect round, i skipped the eyes and nose part. Instead, i decorated them with colour rice and 1 M&M only to make it look more appealing to children. Thankfully, it tastes great! Hehe..
Initially, i wanted to finish the wrapping off with a ribbon tied around but i would need at least 4 metres for it which would cost about $6-7? So ex! Kinda defeat my purpose of saving $$$ right? So, decided to stick to cellotape and that's it. At the very last minute, after looking at the plain goodie bags, an idea just popped and there you have it, as you can see from the photo, a cut out star with Sz's name on it to brighten up the goodie bags :D
Ok ok, i admit.. it's quite a no brainer project afterall.. :P
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