Yes you!

Today is my PIG's birthday. Er, how old are you again? 39? 40? Sorry yeah, can't remember but i think you look around there lah

I think God is so unfair sometimes. Hb is 32 this year and yet, he doesn't look a day older than 28/29?

I don't wanna look older than what i really am

There'll be dinner tonight with my in laws at some chinese restaurant. After that, hb and i will be off to watch "The Dark" *shudder*. I really dislike horror shows coz i'm a scaredy cat but today different ah, give in to the birthday boy loh. Kinda pity him as well..hehe, it's been months since he last watched one. Horror movies are his fav!
We actually had the birthday cake last night. Emicakes' durian cake (D24) rocks! We managed to finish everything last night. Shows how good it is yeah?

That's the problem taking photos with the kids in it these days. Both can never look at the camera at the same time! Grrr.. It's always one look, the other doesn't or the other way round, just like the photos above

This is worst! Both not looking lol

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