Gong Xi Fa Chai!
It was 1st day of CNY yesterday. Time flies!
It has been more than a week since i last sat down and blog - the KL's entry not counted :P Ever since coming back from KL, i've been so busy with CNY preparations and spring cleaning to really sit down and use the pc. So much things happened and yet no time to blog it down. And in a while more, i will be going out again to pai nian. Was already out the whole of yesterday and today, same thing again. Give angpows out till no more! *scary* Lol.. Busy busy busy but happy busy :D Definitely prefer it this way than staying at home with nothing to do... It happens only once a year plus it feels more like CNY :)
Like last year, made hb to take a photo of us before hitting the lift to go out. Let me just do a search for last year's pic as well.. to compare the difference. Lol *kpo me* :PpppP


Last year's
Spot any difference? Do let me know yeah if you do..

yes! this year sexier, slimmer and don't hit me! but u look fuller there :p cough cough cough.
Definitely sexier and more hip dressing. Hehe. Don't hit me also ah :p
Lol *blush* Thankie ladies :P
But Tanny, the fact is 'there' actually shrunk y'know.. Argh. Must be the brassier! :D
Looks younger lol... I love the top! Welcome back!
Xie xie! Glad to be back as well ;)
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