I have such a beautiful day since morning *grin*. Ever since i woke up, i've been 'bombarded' with lovey dovey messages on my cell phone. Lol. Boy, it feels ggggrreaat

It has been quite some time [read: years!] since i last received so many of such messages. Hahaha

psssttt : I'm pretty sure hb woke up from the wrong side of the bed this morning or hmmm.. wait, did the sun rise from the West today?

Also, i have finally hit the gym after a week of bumping-around-doing-nothing-but-piggin-out *blink*blink*. Was supposed to go for aerobics yesterday and today but i was just so lazy! Out of the blue, my bestie called in the morning after i've decided to just stay at home today to say 'Let's go gym!'. Don't feel nice turning her down since it was her first time to 'chio' me along. Usually she goes herself. So, gym it is!
Ran, walked, ran, walked, ran, walked, ran, walked on the threadmill for 40 mins and total calories burnt : 315!
But hor, i don't quite like gym, y'know. I find it sooo boring *yawn* Besides threadmill and cycling, i don't know what else to do. I prefer jumping around monkeying in aerobics class anytime Thank goodness my buddy's presence made it tolerable ;) Nevertheless, any form of exercise is still better than no exercise. Hee hee.. So we made a pact to hit the gym every Sat from now on! *yay*
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