Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Boys' lil project

A small scale project for the boys : growing wheat-grass at the balcony.

Big one for korkor, small one for didi

Aim : to have the boys learn about living and growing. Also, for them to have a sense of responsibility by taking care of their own wheat-grass ; watering and sunning.

Can't wait to see a carpet of green grass! :D

Initially. [we were so excited y'know! At least, i was! Very! Me have soft spot for gardening and plants]


Day 1 : over watering. Insisted on bringing the wheat-grass go 'gai gai'! >.<
[of course i said NO! :P]
Day 2 : forgot to water.
Day 3 : forgot to water.

After day 3 :

Wheat grass died. Both of it.

Mission : f.a.i.l.e.d.

That really explains why i never say yes to having hamsters or fishes or tortoises or kittens or puppies.

Because i simply knew how it'd turn out.

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