Monday, August 06, 2007

Nice Sunday

If only every Sunday is like yesterday's...

I had a wonderful day yesterday. You may not find it that special, but it is.. to me, at least :)

The beautiful morning began with many many kisses and cuddles from the boys, first the big boy then followed by the little boys.. Bliss *smile* Then it was off to brunch at our 'every Sunday morning fish ball stall for the past 4 years'. Reading paper and coffee under the breezy outdoor setting, plus a play area for the boys to entertain themselves. That's pretty ideal isn't it? Best of all, brunch-ing there costs less than $15 for all of us in total ;)

After that it was car washing for hb and i. Usually, hb will go first and i stay behind to put the boys to sleep. After hb finishes with his, he would help me with mine.. (yes, hb found out about the other 2 'secret' scratches yesterday! Ackk.. Thought i could escape his 'eagle eyes' if i were to wash the exterior myself and hb cleans the interior but guess not! Heh)

Anyway, after we were done, we dropped the boys off at in laws' and went on for our appointment for couple's tuina at Club St. I quite like this so-called TCM spa. To me, it doesn't quite feel like tuina, but more like normal relaxing massage. Furthermore, it is in a spa setting and my therapist yesterday was so good (okay, it was hb's therapist actually but he kindly 'lent' her to me for 1 time use. Ha!) that i fell asleep during the last bit when she was doing foot massage. For your info, i hardly fall asleep elsewhere other than my own bed. I am not like the husband. Lol :PpPp

And before that, our date was at the nearby Spinelli, enjoying our lazy afternoon with latte for the husband and the very yummy Cookie Spin for myself + a slice of chocolate cake to share, reading the rest of the paper for the day and yakking the rest of the time away before leaving hand in hand for our appointment.

The happy day got rounded off with our monthly dosage of Lim Chee Guan which we got nearby after the appointment.


Looking forward for next month's this Sunday! :D

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