Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mari kita..

makan makan!


The tittle is sooooo out i know! :P

But i did these cuppies on the eve of the National Day plus i ran out of idea so, mari kita it is lor..

Ordered by a blog reader, Val.. who requested for the same design as Celest's.

For Valerie

However, because the main order would be for Tim, Val's friend, who was gonna bring them as pressie for his pal's baby boy's full month celebration, i adapted the blue and white colours instead of pink and purple which i feel isn't that suitable.

As for the design, it was just a slight twist to the original's since my customer has already specifically wanted Celest's design :)

For Tim. Guess i MUST practise more on writing aye?

Feedback was good. I've got happy customers. I like having happy customers, but who doesn't yeah? :P

Poor Tim, from what i heard from Val, he didn't even get to eat the cuppies. It was snap snap snap (photographed) by his friends and then gone. ALL of them. But like Val said, 'at least we know everyone loved it'.

Heeeheeee, yeah!!


imp said...

wow!~ i want too!!! now i know u do smashing cupcakes!

^cherie said...

Grin. Thanks dear... sure sure! :)