Apart from Donuts Factory, there are Missy Donuts, this donut and that donut.
From what i read in 8 Days ( local magazine), it seems that Missy Donuts was supposed to be better than Donuts Factory and i'm keen to try! :P
Firstly, the q isn't that long in the morning or rather, no q at all, around 11ish when i go pick the boys up nearby.
Secondly, i wanted to buy some for Celest too ever since i read from her comment here and mostly because i feel Celest is a very nice person + generous as well! I like buying/ giving things to nice and generous people. They really make life more wonderful and meaningful :)
Note : nice + generous and nice + calculative + stingy are 2 entirely different story all together.
So yesterday when i was bringing the boys to ICA to update their passport photos, i made a detour just to deliver the donuts for Celest at her workplace after buying them from Bukit Panjang Plaza but no biggie since she is just at Holland V.
I did inform her that i was gonna pass her something but i didn't say what. I wonder what she thought i was gonna pass her before she received the package from me :P
Oh, if you do not know by now, next week - 31st August is the last time u can ever update your photos in the passport. The new passport uses Biopass that has got a chip in it and the down side is that u can not do photo updating with it ( i didn't know about it until my beepbeep's passport was ready for collection and beepbeep's photo was taken when he was 1 day old! Am pretty sure he'll need a new passport very soon..).
So if your passport/ your children's photo in the passport is abit outdated, go update now!
When we were there yesterday, the crowd was terrible. Towards the late afternoon, it got so so much worst. I can't imagine next week's! The total hours we spent there was 3! o.O
Tips : if you are planning to drive there, make sure you display enough parking coupons on the dashboard. The number of the people in white summoning is more than 5 and they are there prowling almost every half hour! I know because we returned to the car to wait instead of waiting at the super crowded waiting area.
Because of the long hours we spent there, the supposedly go-home-then-eat-donuts were all gobbled up by us, but mostly me actually *hide*. Mouth itchy + nothing to do + hungry. No choice ah.. :P
Initially wanted to take a photo of the donuts, wanting to show the diff between Missy Donuts and Donuts Factory but all i have when we reached in the evening was this..
Paiseh ah! *blush*
Verdict : I prefer Donuts Factory better. Their topping is more generously put and i feel the quality is slightly better too.
Hopefully Celest will enjoy hers, and girl.. no more saying thank you ok! :)
To my Old Navy Spree organiser : you are always on my mind too! Just that no chance to do anything y.e.t *wink*
Hi Sherie, Jasmine here, i found ur blog! hope i dun sound like some stalker =| cos u mentioned about ur blog in the email. =D Ur entries are really interesting!! Whoa.. dun close ur blog please! Reading ur blog makes me hungry!! So many pictures of food! And the cupcakes really make my fren go "WAH".. Mountain turtle la us. It's not overly pink, very nice colour combination.
*waves* Hi there!! :D
Yeah, welcome to my-not-so-much blog. Hahaha... Thanks dear for your kind words. U made my day!
Feel free to drop me more comments in the future yeah? I love reading comments! Lol :P
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