Almost last but not least, raspberries!
I am now back to using my antique digital camera which was bought way back in 2001 during our honeymoon. The new pocket size Olympus Mju which hb bought for me last year really cannot make it.
No more Olympus for me, ever! (both my cameras are Olympus)
An aiming for a Canon or Nikon next, when our wallets are abit fatter. Grin.
Anyway, this cake.. was love in first sigh, as of with other cakes actually. Haha..
It's a rather special and unique cake. Hazelnut meal, raspberries, chopped roasted hazelnuts, sour cream, mascarpone cheese and frangelico (a type of liquer).
It is a very rich cake, made mostly from butter and lotsssssssss of raspberries. The taste is as good as it looks. Again, very unique!
It's buttery and you can definitely single out the strong hazelnut nutty taste and the raspberries really added the extra punch, sourish but so good to eat together in 1 mouthful of cake. For myself, apart from the raspberries, the highlight gotta be the chopped toasted hazelnut in the oh-so-light-but-so-yummy-frosting. Crunch crunch crunch is all i can say...
Hahaha.. sooo cheesy!!
But but, seriously lor... :P
The cake is an 8" round cake, as you could see in the second pic, the already sliced cake but i also did a couple of cupcakes with it.
Also, it wasn't meant for refrigerating (think you can tell from the texture in the sliced cake, most butter cakes are not meant to be refrigerated actually, room temp is the best) but i still refrigerate them anyway. Don't think the frosting could withstand our tropical climate's heat. And honestly, i like it better when it's hard and cold - only this cake ah. Grin. But that's just me of course :)
Recipe (which i've tweaked):
Cake :
250g butter, softened
1 cup caster sugar
6 eggs
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup self raising flour
1 cup hazelnut meal
2/3 cup sour cream
150g fresh raspberries
Cream :
250g mascarpone
1/2 icing sugar
1/2 cup sour cream
2 tbsp frangelico
1/2 cup roasted hazelnut, chopped
1. Preheat oven to 180. Greast, line the side and base of the cake tin
2. Beat butter and sugar till light and fluffy. Add in eggs, 1 by 1.
3. Stir in flours, hazelnut meal, sour cream and raspberries. Bake for 1 hour or till skewer comes out clean.
Cream :
1. Combine everything together except nuts. Stir till smooth. Add in nuts.
Have fun baking!
what is the white cream on top of your cup cake?! it's making me drool. hehe
It's mascarpone + icing sugar + sour cream + frangelico + chopped toasted hazelnut :)
hey ..can u pls plspls share the recipe???
You are.. ?
Just a visitor, and i think the cake looks fantastic!!!
Ok sure, give me till tomr, then i'll post the recipe up :)
Thanks a lot :):) Really appreciate it. !!!
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