This blog is specially dedicated for my passion in cooking [read: food], shopping and my boys - 3 small boys and 1 big boy :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Kitchen disaster, again
I'm so gonna cry..
'It' happened again today! Ugh...
I was gonna bake bestie her surprise birthday cake today. But everything went so so wrong.. everything, totally.
1. sponge cake
It didn't rise. It wasn't normal. Because i listened to the maid and let her mixed the alot-not-melted butter part with the little-melted ones = butter became thick. It made my batter curdled and resulted a heavy, thin sponge cake :(
I re-baked this.
2. the egg yolk mixture
After whisking the egg yolk mixture like a madman into a creamy and thick mixture + gelatin paste, i poured the prepared syrup into it!! The syrup was meant for brushing the sponge cake :(
4 eggs wasted, not to mentioned, an extra of 4 egg whites on top of the already-there 4 whites for me to brainstorm how to use them all.
I re-do the egg yolk mixture, along with the gelatin paste and the syrup with rum.
3. egg whites
When i was re-doing the gelatin paste, the hot water accidentally got into my 5 egg whites bowl. Egg whites cannot be contaminated especially if you wanna whisk it to its peak form and i actually wanted to attempt macarons with it! :(((
4. 7" cake ring
The recipe did state that it was for a 7" cake ring but i stubbornly think that 8" cake ring (coz i only have 8" round cake ring) will do as well. After i've made my cream cheese mixture, i realised that it is not enough afterall for an 8" cake ring. Sigh.
I ended up using the normal 7" cake tin lined with Glad Wrap, praying and hoping i can just pull the cake out beautifully without anymore problems. *crossing my fingers now*
What's worst is that the cake tin isn't tall enough for my final layer of cream cheese! *sobs*
5. syrup
After i covered the sponge cake with the cream cheese mixture, i realised i forgot to brush the syrup onto the sponge cake before slapping the cream cheese on!
6. syrup again
After everything was done, just when i thought nothing can ever go wrong again, i accidentally tipped the syrup container over which meant for the fruits tomorrow!
So much for a surprise. I'm so frustrated and upset that i'm pretty sure if i were to scream out loud, even the friends in KL could hear me!
To add on to my misery, i realised i did have a 7" cake ring afterall (but in square shape) when everything was done and i was taking my shower.
Today isn't my day, really :(
And i think i cannot bake at night, especially when it's almost my sleeping time. Poor bestie... sigh.
All i can do now is pray that the cake can be pulled up tomorrow and the Glad Wrap will not break in the midst of it!
I really h.a.t.e kitchen disasters. Period.
p.s : but then, who doesn't right? :P
pps : really looking forward to some pampering tomorrow - facial, yay! But not the extraction part though - ouch!
ppps: thank god my unlucky day has got nothing to do with the car!!! *phew* I read (my star sign) that this month, accidents will happen when i'm rushing off to somewhere. But the thing is, i'm always rushing from one point to another!
Oh no!!!
Another one of those random dinners that i photographed, mainly because i bought spring onion the other day :P
Don't belittle this very simple soup. It's darn yums to drink. I use ikan bilis stock for this soup and on top of the 3 kinds of fresh mushrooms, i added my own dried shiitake mushroom as well. Hb loves this like m.a.d.
Monday, July 30, 2007
I love making pizza... It's expensive but it's still cheaper than buying from the outside. Well, slightly cheaper only, to be exact - it's the ingredients. Very expensive! But still, i like :)
Another problem that i always have when i make pizza is the dough. I can never get my hands on the right recipe!!
The dough is always a failure, in my and hb's opinion until ... this time. I finally found it!!!! *yippeeee*
The crust was almost perfect and the fussy pot hb thinks so too!
I'm absolutely thrilled. I'm happy. I'm ecstatic.
Next, i'm gonna play around with the ingredients now that i got the pizza dough almost right.. me gonna make some authentic italian pizza :P
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Steamed chicken
Steamed chicken with mushroom, ginger and wolfberries.
This is an ultra simple and healthy dish..
I ate this quite a bit during my confinement. But till today, we are still eating it from time to time whenever i feel a tad too lazy to do stir frying, deep fried dishes with sauce etc.
For confinement, i add in the 'huang jiu' to marinate the chicken before steaming. Now that i'm not in confinement anymore, instead of using 'huang jiu', i use shaoxing wine as substitute.
Easy, healthy and pretty yummy too!
Plus, lotsa good gravy for the kids to mix with rice! *wink*
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I did say my Opera cake was only 2.5cm in height right? It was slightly less than that actually.
That's my thumb there.
Height : slightly taller than my thumb
Width : the length of my 2 thumbs combined.
The kpo boys' hands and my hand.. :P
Small right the cake? Even though it was tiny, the flavour and taste.. so power!! The cognac, coffee and chocolate + the crispy layer of coffee butercream and chocolate that was sandwiched in the middle ... one word -> fffwwoooahh!
I felt as though i was eating a cake that was bought from really 'atas' bakery!
Can't wait to make it again. Just bought the cake pan yesterday! :D
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Believe it or not
You must be wondering why 'believe it or not' has anything to do with 2 packets of curry dishes above right?
You will not believe what i did!
I got them free.
From strangers.
There was this Malay wedding kenduri near the void deck below my house last weekend. It was raining on Saturday afternoon. So beep beep and i took the long way back from the car park to go home.
As i was walking along the corridor, i saw 2 malay aunties scooping and doing whatnots to at least 4 huge pots of yummilicious dishes. I tried so hard not to stare but i simply couldn't! Bet the aunties there saw me salivating so badly until they smiled at me :P
Me the kpo couldn't help but to ask a few questions in Malay and also introduced myself as well. We hit off pretty good. One of them asked me to stay for lunch and all but i declined politely. Too shy la! Heh.
Side track abit, you know, i've always liked the Malay community. Coming from Malaysia, i kinda miss them actually.. I don't even know any here :(
From what i observe, they are really nice and friendly, especially those aunties... Bet i could learn tons of malay dishes from them! :pppP
And and, i would love love love love to visit them for Hari Raya!
Anyway, after i've gone home, i realised that i was still salivating over the food i saw earlier plus i really wanted to know them better so i can do house visiting in the future!
So, what did i do?
The very not shy me went down again with my troop, armed with a bag of fresh apples which i had just bought earlier and a box of homemade steamed tapioca kueh.
Before i could gave them my apples and kueh, they passed these 2 packets of very very delicious curry dishes first. Like any very nice people would do, the auntie actually tried to stuff the tempeh dish with lotsa big prawns for this stranger here. Unbelievable isn't it? I was a stranger and she did just that and it wasn't as though there were many huge prawns left in the pot y'know..
I was deeply touched.
Unfortunately, we didn't exchange phone number and all as the sister who lives in my block wasn't there with them. Plus, we were attracting quite a number of stares from the guests, hence the very quick exit and goodbye from us. So wasted.. :(
p.s: the dishes were soooooo spicy and sedap. I'm craving for more now!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Chocolate fudge cake
Hb is pregnant!
Requested for chocolate cake from me for at least 3 times! If that's not pregnant, i dunno what that is. Heh.
Been wanting to try this particular recipe for the longest time. So, no more procrastination and here it is...
For myself and hb, but mostly myself :PppPP
Yep.. it was mostly for myself even though it was hb who requested it because i. i wanted to try the recipe ii. i wanted to try out newly received Hello Kitty stencil iii. i also wanted to eat chocolate cake. There, mostly for myself right? :D
I made an 8" cake for this actually. Due to my own carelessness, i didn't manage to get my big stencil print on the cake and that wasn't all. I messed it up too! However, i was pretty determined to get the cake posted on my blog, hence out born these little cakes, cut using my medium size cookie cutter, mainly to make use of my small stencils on the clean cake part which i can blog about. Ha!
So how did the cake taste?
Fudgy enough to satisfy all of our chocolate cake cravings!
It was really good.. except for the organic wholemeal flour i used. Didn't like the smell. Luckily, the smell was barely there the next day. Next time round, i'll make sure i use the normal wholemeal flour definitely!
And also, you know what?
It's rather unbelievable actually but this cake is oil/butter free!
Amazing yeah?
So it's fatless and uses wholemeal flour instead of plain flour. Those who are on diet would love this! Even those who aren't, they will also love it actually. It's really that good.
And seriously, no need for chocolate glaze / ganache on top. It's chocolate-ed enough!
Wanna buy?
Email me!
Selling at $18 - only no frills version available. Self collection.
p.s: using Val Rhona 55% cacao
Monday, July 23, 2007
Bad luck
Yesterday was a terrible day.
Everything turned out wrong even the shopping! (i was overcharged and will only be refunded this coming Saturday when i go down personally for it)
Firstly, i was pretty groggy to begin with due to lack of sleep on Saturday night. Then, it was the baby's bawling. Hence i lost concentration and had a minor accident at the car park. Side mirror was re-positioned by forced and moving the mirror to the left and right isn't working anymore even though it is now back to the norm position.
What kind of bawling that made me lost it all?
If you are a mother, you would know.. the worst stage of crying. Worst of the whole lot.
To me, there are 4 stages of crying.
1- the 'yang or' / manja stage which you can ignore
2- slightly stronger stage that demands abit of your attention. Need you to talk and smile but still in the no need to carry stage
3- medium stage where carrying is needed. This is also the hungry need milk stage or cranky need sleep stage
4- the worst stage. Carrying doesn't work anymore. Nothing works actually. The crying and screaming can go on and on. This is also the panic stage for the mothers. Babies who cry this way, they usually either have a very bad fall or in a very severe pain
My beep beep's (baby) crying was at stage 4 yesterday.
Overly tired. Not enough of sleep coz we were out the whole day. His sleep was only 15mins max each time. So i think it was his way of protesting, "ENOUGH"!. Heh.
So yeah, the baby was crying and i was groggy. So the accident happened during my reverse parking next to the pillar on my left.
Hb wasn't in the car. I dropped him off earlier at Funan for his own shopping. As you might have guessed it, we were driving my 1 month old car which isn't our usual practise. Hb's car is in the workshop waiting for a new coat of paint you see..
From the moment the accident happened, i planned to keep mum about it. No way i was gonna tell hb! Scared kena scolding.. lol. [already got scratches in the 1st week actually. Dunno why but all these 5/6 years that i'd been driving, i've never scratched other cars before at all, not even a line. But with this car, *shake head* simply terrible. Think the car no liking me :( ]
Anyway, i've already planned to get the car fix early this morning so hb won't even see 'it'. I managed to go undetected for the whole night. Insisted on driving for 2 more trips after that.
But for some very weird reasons, i can never hide anything from the husband. Really dunno what kind of spell he used on me, but really.. i can n.e.v.e.r hide anything. Hb will always find out.. accidentally.
This morning, i was supposed to send hb to work but in the end, he decided against it coz he wanna ride his bike. But as he walks towards the car park, the dark clouds came which prompted hb to cancel his bike ride. So hb called and told me his changed of plan. It was back to me sending him but he'd be getting the car first from the car park and will wait for me at the void deck.
You cannot imagine my 'panic' face as i heard the phone rang early in the morning at 6.35am.. for i knew what was coming! I bolted right up from the bed. Hahaha..
In the lift, i was so restless and felt i needed to tell someone about it. No one knew except Davis, my gf.. and i text her this.
My sms : Omg. Hb driving my car. Die. Sure know liao.
You w.i.l.l not believe what i did.
I actually sent it to the husband!!!!!!!
And i gasped so loud in the lift after i realised what i did that the other mother actually laughed out loud at me. Clown right me? *roll eyes*
I guess everyone can figure what happened next. No need for further story telling aye? Heh.
But no scolding lah..
All i got from hb was just a sigh.
Total wallet damage : $520, just to replace the side mirror that got a little dent. You wont even notice it unless you stare hard at it. If not for the 'not able to move left and right mirror adjustment', i won't even wanna change it since hb found out already.
Total mental damage : indefinable.
Oh no!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I was extremely excited today..
It's my baking class day, finally.. after it postponing twice since er, April? Yep, that long!
We only did 1 cake for the whole of 3 plus hours for this class, taught by a very talented lady, Lynn at her beautiful house.
It was a hands on class, for everything but ingredients were prepared in advance or else, it'd definitely be more than 4 hours!
Also, this was a semi private class, 2 of us in total. I like it this way actually but very expensive!
Yes, i wrote those words myself. Awesome yeah? *thick skin* But not the letter 'O' though. Heh.
I never thought i could do it? Hmm well, i've never tried doing it before actually but really, i didn't think and never thought i could, at all! To be fair, we did practise it on the tray for 2-3 times to get the rough idea though *wink* :)
Opera~ :
Although many believe that Dalloyau was the first to have come up with the recipe, known as L'Opéra, it was Louis Clichy who debuted this cake at the 1903 Exposition Culinaire in Paris with his own name emblazoned across the top.
Regardless of who created it, the basic components of Opéra are joconde biscuit soaked in coffee and cognac flavored syrup, layered between coffee flavored butter cream and chocolate ganache. It is traditionally covered with pâte à glacer in a shiny mirror surface with simply the word Opéra written across. Sometimes it’s adorned with a few specks of gold leaves, but the overall effect is very minimalist. This is a cake that has enough flavors to speak for itself that no frivolous decoration is needed.
A good Opéra needs to be very low in height.
From Lynn.
See the layering? Spectacular isn't it? The sponge isn't chocolate sponge cake at all. It's the joconde biscuits soaked with coffee, cognac syrup. Extremely time consuming albeit it was just brushing the syrup onto it.
Okay, i measured mine. It's around 2.5cm ;)
To be honest, i don't think i'd do this cake at home or rather at all. Too much work!
1 cake = 3.5 hours?
No way!
Unless i'm like super free that day with the boys AWAY. That, i think.. it's the most crucial part in my decision making whether to bake the cake or not. Lol.
Furthermore, the amount of stuff to wash after that isn't just Bukit Timah Hill, it's Mount Everest!
However, even though i'm not gonna bake this cake in the future, i learned quite a bit in the class, eg : making paper cone for writing! Haha :PpP
Overall, i really enjoyed my class but because it's so expensive, i don't think i could go for another class anymore unless i've got sponsors! Grin..
Or if my cake business is doing extremely well that month, say... selling 15 cakes in a month? Then perhaps i could sign up for another class to perfect my skills! :P
Now.. time for cake cutting and get fat!
ps: today is 'not on diet' day. Were snacking throughout the class with all the cake bits that were being sliced away. Terrible ah..
Friday, July 20, 2007
Saturday is the fun fun day!
Fun fun place : miumiu's house + Bukit Timah Nature Reserve's playground + impromptu visit to Mila's house :P
Miumiu's mommy was gonna moved out that weekend. So i thought of bringing the boys to see miumiu the very adorable bunny for the very last time because after that, miumiu's new house will be in the East already. Sniffs. So sad.. :(
After miumiu's house, we proceeded on to Mila's house, an unplanned visit to Mila's beautiful abode + girlie room :)
There were more fun things to be photographed but my camera's batt died on me. Aihhzzz...
Me like fun fun day! :)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Cuppymisu II
It's definitely an improved version than the previous first attempt.
Somehow i know even though i didn't get to eat even a bite, not to mention full whole cup!
Baker's instinct! Ha! :ppPPp
Okay okay, seriously.. it was the feedback i got from my gf who bought my first attempt tiramisu in cups and this time round, she got to try another cup from this batch *wink*
For some very obvious reasons*, these tiramisu are not very photogenic hor?
Reasons* i could think of :-
- my bad photography skill
- my ought to be thrown away camera
- the already refrigerated hence, befogged tiramisu
- the slanted cups
For imp, the very generous girl who shoved a $50 note to my hands and ran away + gigling + waving bye bye, all at the same time, refusing the very large amount of change. I almost succeeded dropping the note back into the cake bag but her very fast moving legs got away first!
Paiseh leh, you know!!
That girl ah..
I'm so glad that she likes the tiramisu and my freshly baked second batch of Hello Kitty cookies which were slightly less sweet than my first try :)
am officially on diet!
Yes, i'm taking this one step further by openly challenging myself in my own blog, similar to my 3 day detox challenge last year :P
Otherwise, my weight is never gonna go down :(
So yup, today is my first day and i'm doing it for a month. The aim is to lose at least 2 kg in this 1 month time. And from there, hopefully another 2 kg.
You see, i need more variety of clothes to wear and up till now, only a few fits. The rest are like white elephants in my wardrobe! Ggrrrr...
But on the other hand, it's a good thing too because ever since i'd delivered my baby, i have not gone shopping in the malls at all... (online shopping not included :P) Not even during the GSS last month! Unbelievable right? Haha.. Good for the hb!
Anyway, i will be updating my progress in 2 weeks time!
Wish me luck! :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hello Kitty cookies
Just last week, i received my new Hello Kitty cookie cutter from a spree in a forum. After seeing quite many posts by floogers on these cookies, i couldn't wait to do mine.
I must say the cutter really came at the right time because Celest placed her second order (for her collegue's birthday who happens to be a cheesecake lover) with me for my cookies and cream cheesecake and i really wanted to fulfill the vow that i made not too long ago :P
Sooooooooo adorable right?
These kitties were made for specially for Celest. Thank god it turned out all good, taste and appearance wise because the recipe was a new one. But i think i will cut down on the sugar the next time i bake them. Celest thought they were okay though. Not too sweet :)
I prepared 2 packets for Celest. Knowing her, she will definitely share her cookies with her collegues. So, one solely for her and another packet for her to share with her very nice collegues - i met some of them :)
As for the cheesecake, i am really glad to know that it was a hit and they loved it!
So much so that her collegue will be ordering the same cake from me soon i heard. Hehehehehe.. :P
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Green tea cuppies
I have always wanted to try making green tea something and finally, i did.. That's like after months and months of procrastination!
The first item on my list is green tea cupcakes with green tea cream cheese frosting :)
Here you go.. a cup for ya!
Personally, i love the cake to bits! So scrumptious. Unbelievable! As for green tea taste, there was hardly in it because i only added 1 teaspoon. It was my trial batch you see..
I'll probably add another 2 tsp when i bake them again next time.
As for the cream cheese frosting, it was my very first try. I don't quite like it but then i'm biased!
Because i dislike green tea everything except for the drink. Weird right? I'm so keen on baking green tea something but i dislike eating green tea something. Lol :P
Because i know i cannot trust my own judgement for this cake, i brought some of these babies for my trusty guinea pigs to taste them for me.
Their verdict?
101% positive.
Judging from the reaction and feedback, i think this cupcake scores higher than my 'signature' chocolate cuppies which they love and crave from time to time :P
Monday, July 16, 2007
Jacky's Cheung's concert
It was a blast!
OT: seriously, how do you girls wear these heels/pumps/stilettoes?!?!?! (not sure what u call it :P) My feet ached like mad!
My very first concert...:)
We were there early. Initially, wanted to go there for a quick bite but the mall/building nearby is in the midst of tearing down. So we went in empty stomach despite knowing that we will stay that way for another 3 hours at least.
Less than half an hour later when the concert was about to start, the empty seats.. i can hardly spot one anymore.
It was a sold out concert i heard.
The response was so so good that the concert was extended to 3 nights instead of the intended 1 night only. 90% of the tickets were sold during the first week.
I had so much fun.
Clapping, tapping, wiggling, waving, shoulder rolling. I almost wanted to stand up to join in the more sporty crowds but decided against it after much thought. Didn't want to scare the husband next to me who gave me a 'eye roll' when i first screamed. Hahahaha..
That was the time when i really miss my old buddies.. my ex schoolmates who really know how to have fun. Mind you, they can really dance and they dance damn well too! Boy, i really miss all of our on stage performances during our good old days. Ahhh...
Best of all, they are not just some girls who only know how to party. They are now a doctor, high flying execs with MNCs, wife of a non stop relocation French expat and the weirdest one gotta be me! The homemaker with 3 boys. Lol.
Gosh, i miss them so much that night. You've got no idea...
All in all, everything was fantastic! However, there was a slight problem after 15 mins into the concert.
We were at the wrong seats!! Grrr..
To think that we went in so early, sat 1 hour throughout and didn't even realise that we were in the wrong seats until the concert started when the real occupants came. Funny right? :P
We were then ushered to our real seats.. which had a much better view than the previous. But still, hb was complaining about the location and told me next time, i must buy the better view tickets. No more second class wor.. That spoilt brat ah!
Anyway, i've always liked Jacky Cheung, since very young. Seeing and hearing him sing in real life.. was indescribable. His voice.. so very powerful and he's a real entertainer! He flirts and teases. Didn't fail to bring giggles to the audiences. And his moves, dance moves...
One word -> Superb.
He can do quite many sexy moves y'know and he's 46!!
I don't think many men could do the dance he did, not to mention at 46 some more! I was completely mesmerised *blush*.
Too bad Leslie Cheung is no longer alive. Else i would really, really love to go to his concert as well. He was the first person i've ever idolised .. :(
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Barley with gingko nuts and beancurd sheets
Dessert for the warm weather and for beauty too! :P
I like bean curd sheets that break and torn up easily during cooking.
Tough ones me no like. Like the one i bought recently... :(
Anyway, i cannot wait for Jacky Cheung's concert tonight! Yay!!!!!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Sure or not?
It says it is a healthy snacks.
Made from nothing but full of goodness ingredients such as below...
However, after taking my first bite, i was like "sure or not?"
And i was not the only one who doubted the ingredients mentioned.
But then, we didn't really care.
Because they taste so darn good!
[Available at Sheng Siong]
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Cherry cream cheese pound cake
When i first saw this cake's picture in the recipe book, i knew i had to bake it.
I simply love pound cakes, any kind. But this is better!
Because it contains cream cheese too. All the more wonderful and sinful. I heart the combination! One look at the cake texture, i was sold.
As described in the book :
A velvet-textured plain cake with the subtle tang of cream cheese and a fragrant almond undernote and little bursts of tart cherry throughout. This is a pound cake that is bound to garner some attention and rightly so.
How right.
The texture was fantastic. The taste was even better. The little cherries soaked in rum were the highlight definitely.
In another word, perfect!
However, i feel that the dried cherry could be substituted with something not so expensive. I bought the cherry at $6.50 a packet. To me, it didn't taste anymore different than the normal raisins i've used.
The next time i bake this, i will gladly substitute the $6.50 cherry with perhaps, the $3.50 cranberries to make our breakfast more economical :P
And seriously, i really did put on 1kg because of this cake (i weighed at my gym 2 days after!). I ate so much of it! Was stuffed for the rest of the day and the next..
So irresistible it was that i couldn't help but to down 1 big slice just half an hour before my yoga class. We (who practise yoga) are advised to have very light meal 3 hours before class. Imagine how bad it was for me!
On a happier note, i managed to do full head stand on my own yesterday, no help whatsoever! My very first attempt summore after a try with teacher's help. Yippee! Was feeling extra brave yesterday. Usually, i just do with teacher's help and that's it. Didn't even wanna try it on my own after that :P
Full head stand

But er, *ahem* i did mine against the wall lah, not so power yet to do it without the wall. To do without the wall, i still need the teacher's help to go up. Not so gutsy to try doing it on my own yet but soon.. :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My good day
I was telling bestie that i craved for her doughnuts last week and bestie being bestie, i got invited to her place a few days after to satisfy my cravings!
So nice of her yeah?
She knows i love her doughnuts and was generous enough to share her recipe with me but somehow, i didn't want her recipe because the doughnuts and her come together! Lol.
It's a special thing. The bestie and the doughnuts.
I don't wanna make it myself. If i do, it wont be so special anymore :P
pssttt : lazy people has tons of excuses don't they? Hahaha.
Ahhh.. total bliss!
Wanna know how many i had?
3 sticks and 4 normal doughnuts!!!!!
Mad right? :P
I felt so so so so so so so so so so so so so guilty after that..
Bestie didn't do the cheese doughnuts this time which is also excellent but all in all, cravings satisfied!
My good day definitely *wink*
Heart bestie!
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