And then, the very next day..
for dinner.
See what i mean about me being wild on beef last week? ^.^
Sirloin steaks with creamy worcestershire + fresh tarragon sauce served on top of a bed of creamy mashed potato together with grilled portobello mushrooms [again] and green peas.
Because of my lack of skill, the steak was either medium done** [when i followed the Cold Storage's recipe] or almost rare [when i followed my cookbook's recipe]. Haha.. Lousy me! I simply cannot gauge leh. Think i need to cook this dish more when i have the extra $$ to spare.. :P
But one thing i noticed is that even though the steak was almost done, it wasn't tough to eat, unlike the ones sold outside. It was still nice to chew, juicy and.. well.. nice. I wonder why.
And yes, i got a tad wild on fresh herbs these days too!
**medium done - opps, i mean medium well!
Hi Cherie...your pan needs to be very hot when you cook your not press the meat down and do not turn them too often (flipping back and forth too many times if you get what i mean...) =)
For medium done steaks,press the middle of the steak lightly with your finger. It should feel as springy as the flesh on your palm---the piece of flesh on the bottom right hand corner of your palm..errr sorry hard to describe haha but it should feel like that... =)
Hello stef..
Grin. I know what u mean. I read that is how we're supposed to 'agar' also but er.. let's just say that i'm not sensitive enough to feel the 'springiness' in the meat :P
Which is why my steaks were either too rare or almost done!
Trust me, i read everything i should know but aihss.. i guess i'm just not cut out to cook steaks! Must dine out when i crave for it lol.
But thanks dear ;)
Hi were right... it is medium done, not medium well,no such term... =)
Practice makes purr-fect!!
Is it?
I thought this is how it goes :
1. Rare
2. Medium rare
3. Medium
4. Medium well
5. Well done
Yeah! That's why i will buy more when i have extra $$$ to practise. Hehe.
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