Boy1 is currently attending a 1 week holiday programme with an enrichment school. Everyday, the students will go places, doing really fun activities all day long from 9 to 5.
2 days ago, the boy was brought to a frrrrrrrog farm and he brought this home!
Huge tadpole!!!
I've not seen one this big before. All along, the ones i saw were small, cute and swim really fast, here there everywhere. Huge ones are so not so!
Boy1 didn't only brought 1 home, he brought 2.
They do gross me out. I want nothing to do with them at all. But in the end, I relented and decided to keep them because the boys seem really thrilled with it. Furthermore, they promise that they'll take good care of it.
Every morning and evening, the boys will go outside the corridor to feed the tadpoles, wake them up and even talk to them. The 2 elder ones will just squat down right there, have small discussion between them and occasionally, laugh out loud.
It's rather heartwarming :)
And then yesterday when i was tending to my new plants, i saw this!!!!!
The tadpoles now have legs!!!
They are transforming.
Then, on the very night, i dreamed about the tadpoles turning into frogs overnight and jumped right into the house, causing a huge havoc.
Oh no!!
I think the next time when i see them having 4 legs, i'll tell the boys to bring their new pet to the canal downstairs to set them free.
Me shouting and screaming like a mad woman when the tadpoles really turn into froggies and start jumping and hopping around the house and corridor ain't gonna be a pretty sight. And i think the boys will definitely join me when that happens.
hey ... u very cute lei. how abt taking a cover and cover it at night, just in case.. but not sure if would suffocate the tadpoles ... hm, I wonder if I'll accept tadpoles in my house too. which school do they do to for the holiday programs... very interesting!
OMG! you have tadpoles on your house! I feel you. I'd be terrified too... and the legs..!
I salute the "keep it cool in front of the boys" face that you probably put up.
Good luck with the soon to be FROGS. BTW don't let them name them.. they get attached it'll be hards to let go..
ky : heheh.. cover ah? no need lah.. wait till they've got 4 legs then i'll start worrying.. the boy goes to Tien Hsia's holiday program. They usually have it end of term 2 and 4.
Sha : Hahaha.. yes!! Tadpoles in the house. Okie, actually, not in in the house but they are outside, at the corridor together with the plants.
Hehehe.. nah, i'm pretty fine actually as long as i don't take a 'up close' look at them :P
Ahh, no names it is!
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