Something which i have said i would bake again. Financier ;)
This time, it was meant to be given away though, to some nice aunties and in laws whom i felt i owed big time. Hehehe...
First, it was the egg auntie. Yupyup, i have got an egg auntie! Heh. She delivers eggs to me. Fresh eggs from Lim Chu Kang whenever i needed a tray of them - 30pcs. All gorgeous eggs and you can really tell.
There was once she even brought me 2 types of really fresh vegetables, from Lim Chu Kang again. So fresh that my helper couldn't help but to smell it. Hahahaa.. though they weren't flowers!
Okayyy... fine..... i did the same too! Lol.
Then there's aunty Shirley who never fails to bring me cook books whenever she comes to visit. She used to be hb's old neighbour who works in a publishing company.
Every now and then, the workers are asked if they want any of the excess books that got printed and this very nice aunty Shirley will always get some for me and my boys :)
Of course, for the in laws too. It has been quite some time since i last gave them any of my bakes because these days, we usually eat them all! *hide*
Knowing how much my mother in law fancies nuts and more nuts, half a dozen got set aside just for her but it turned out that she only had one of out 6, as usual... though she openly commented that she loves it.
One thing about my family of in laws is that they never over eat. No matter how delicious the food is. I'm amazed at their self control. Totally. Why oh why do i not have it? Dang!
pssstt : even my boys inherited it, believe it or not.. amazing! Boy1 can say no to chocolates *gasp* and ice cream too.
The other time i didn't have the chance to take a closed up shot of it but now i do :)
It's really soft and fluffy.. not spongey like some sponge cakes though. Because of the ground almond used, it's slightly grainy which i love.
I wanted to use sliced almonds for the topping but when i was about to finish, i realised i didn't have sliced almonds after all. Didn't want it plain so i substituted it with freshly roast walnuts. They taste just as nice if not better...
I will be making them again very soon no doubt since everyone loves them and no egg yolks! Excellent.. :)
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