Thursday, November 22, 2007

Peanut butter cupcakes

Everytime when i received a notice from the boys' school saying they'll be having party and food needs to be contributed, i'd start having headache.

Because the party isn't just once a year, it's every term and it could be twice a term sometimes!

Term 4 just finished last week. The last day of term 4 usually means X'mas party for the boys and parents are asked to contribute food if possible. This time round, i feel i should make something nice for the teachers as well instead of just for the the children hence, more headache!

I have to come up with something that will entice the old and young. Chocolate is out of the question because i bake chocolate cake too often for the parties. So, what's left for me to bake?

Orange cake?

Not sure if the kids will like them.

Oreo cake sounds good.

But i didn't have the ingredients on hand.

Then, i went browsing.. looking through my handwritten recipes and cookbooks for ideas and i finally came up with something.

Peanut butter cupcakes!

I like the way the peanut butter came oozing out a little. Biting into these babies are totally orgasmic especially when they are fresh out of the oven.. Very very yummilicious.

Which is an excellent choice.

i- it's simple and easy
ii- i can finally clear my peanut butter which will be expiring end of this month!
iii- not many adults and children will say no to peanut butter, right? *i hope*

But as they were cooling on the rack, i thought they look a tad too plain for the children to fancy it. For one, i know my boys will not go 'wahhhhhhhhh' when they see it so, i decided to play dressing up!

Keeping in mind that i need to finish the decoration within 15-20 mins, i came up with something really simple again.

Peanut butter cupcakes with Nutella. Should be quite a nice combination me think.

Nutella, right from my unopened bottle.

Then, with some variety of toppings ; rainbow sprinkles, heart shapes, candies.. the boys were all ready to go!

And of course, i left some naked.. for the teachers who might not like them dressed up :)


Anonymous said...

WAAAAHHHHHHH din login for a few days and u re making me drool now ;)

hey, happy u hv perfect vision now

^cherie said...

Hehehehehhehehehe.. thank you thank you :D