I finally did it!
After months of talking about planting my own herbs, flowers and other edible plants, i finally bought 2 pots 1+ week ago when i was at the wet market with the husband on the morning i was gonna do my lasik.
It wasn't planned.
We were walking around after our breakfast when we came across a small section where potted plants are sold. Perhaps because they just sprinkled some water or perhaps it was the morning dew, the plants looked too good to resist, as though they were screaming 'bring me home, bring me home' to me.
After looking through at some 30+ pots of different plants, i picked only 2.
Thai basil and chili padi plant.
I almost couldn't make up my mind. Initially, i wanted 4-5 pots but the husband was like.. wah, how to carry ah?
Furthermore, i know nuts about growing plants, so it's wise to buy only 2 and see if they'll die on me. 2 pots will be my first baby step :)
Up close with my new friends.. :P
My chili padi plant.
Currently, they are flowering and all the chilis are still green in colour.
I read through some gardening forum and it seems that i'll need to pinch the flowers away to make way a better looking bushy plant.
But, er.. how to pinch??
Additionally, it's like so sayang to pinch the pretty flowers away.. Hee.
Then, my thai basil.
Hmm.. no flowers yet. Actually, i didn't know that thai basil will flower until i saw some at a farm/nursery last Saturday. The flowers are purple in colour.
Hou leng ah!
I can't wait till my basil flowers but for the time being, let's hope the plants won't die on me first! *fingers cross* :D
Hi Cherie, I love to do gardening too, but my only successful plant was a sweet basil grown from seed.
To answer your qns about what was meant by pinching, what I simply did was to snip away at the top part of each branch by the newly grown leaves and the flowering buds, if any. By doing so it would encourage the plant to grow horizontally rather than vertically (and hence bushier). If you still can't visualise what I mean, just think of what our gardeners do with those bushy plants along our expressways! (^.^)
Hope that helps! Good luck with your plants!
Hi rene,
Thanks for sharing. I just pinched away the flowers today. Oh, newly grown leaves also need to be pinched?
I've just sent out a self addressed paid envelope today to a kind soul who will be sending me sweet basil seeds for me to germinate!
I'm so excited! Hee hee hee..
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