Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Concert 2007

It's the time of the year again!

Boy, was i excited or what! :P

Shy boy2's 1st concert!!!! And the boys looked awfully awesome in their costumes.. Hee hee hee.

Don't ask me why that expression on boy2... I dunno either!

Boy1 is the supposed to be dancer.. and he really looked like one too, doesn't he? Lanky and tall.. i just cannot imagine didi in that costume. Hahaha.. it'd be darn funny!

And didi is the tin soldier from UK. Wait till you see his full costume.. so very adorable! Together with the hat, white gloves and drum... I tell ya, i was swelling inside! *thick skin mommy*

On the way to the concert.. i did the make up! Compulsory.. Again, the funny face from boy2! Hee..

We were extremely late this year... didn't have the chance to take any photos before concert. Something that i do every year without fail :(

Anyway, korkor performed first surprisingly. Usually the performances start from the lowest level but this year, it's random. I must say that this year is boy1's best performance so far. He was well behaved. Unlike last year, he was looking everywhere and anywhere, not really concentrating.

Then it was didi's turn. The shy shy boy2 was fantastic! I was extremely proud. Don't know why but everytime when i see then boy now boys on stage performing year after year, i still feel overwhelmed with emotions... i simply couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Silly billy me!

Finale, together with other students

Then some post concert shots..

Can't leave him out, can i? :P

And then of course the little stars of the day :)

As a reward for the boys' hard work, we had pizza for dinner! Something which excites the boys to no end at all times =)


Anonymous said...

heehee i also teared last time whenever my boys performed ;) (pssst... i also have three musketeers.. but they are much older than yours.. which means.. i m also much older than u buahahaha!)

thx for bringing back sweet memories =)

^cherie said...

Wahh... Envious! I wonder how they'll be when they are a bit older.. I'm not so young myself already too... but as long we're young at heart, it's fine! Heh :)

The pleasure is mine, tweetybird ;)