Monday, February 13, 2006


Sz never fails to amaze me whenever i have salad for lunch or whenever.

Each and every single time, he would come forward to ask for some. Yes, i am talking about a 3+ years old kid and raw salad leaves, cherry tomatoes, grapes, apples with Italian dressing plus a couple of dashes of thousand island.

He loves it! He loves it so much that i find it amazing coz i myself, don't love it as much as he does. Lol. He can eat practically the whole bowl if i don't control.

So what i do is, make him finish his rice or whatever he will be having for lunch before salad. Haha.. I think usually most moms would be doing the reverse :P

However, my baby isn't like sz at all. He doesn't take them raw. Only cooked ones. As long as they take their greens, be it raw or cooked, i am one lucky mommy. I know most kids spit them out straight once their clever tongues detect it. I never have to worry about their fruits or vegetables diet. I usually worry about their meat intake more. Lol.

Recently, i asked Sz this. .

Me : Do you prefer chocolates (he loves' em) or salad?

Sz : Salad

Me : Do you like yogurt or chocolate?

Sz : Yogurt

Me : Do you like ice cream or yogurt?

Sz : Yogurt

Lol.. No further questions asked after that since i can't think of another healthy food at that time. No wonder he is so skinny! :P

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