Yes! No more suffering

Today is the last day of my detox programme. However, i didn't pass with flying colours y'know! Reason is, i kinda gave in at about 6ish pm for something i couldn't resist, grilled chicken

Sigh, i know i know. I should have continued on for a couple of hours more and that's it. But the thing is, this afternoon around 3+ pm, something i've been waiting to happen, happened.. Felt my stomach going round and round as though it was on some cleansing process. Not long after that, stomach ache followed. He he he..
Disgusting story cut short. In another word, i felt so clean there after!

So, does it sound logical to give in after that? Or should i just continue? Aihhz, probably, i should have just continued aye, just for the sake of completing the whole thing. Oh well, there will always be another time. Lol.
And no, i didn't lose any weight at all. Also, i really cant tell if i've got a clearer complextion as well? Funny hor! The only thing that i can be sure of now is that, after 3 days of eating nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables, i feel pretty wary of what i eat now. The thought of eating oily, greasy, heavy food kinda turns me off (but not cakes though :P ). I certainly hope this is the way it will be forever and ever, man *wait long long ah*

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