I want d bag!
Hb just installed the new IE and something's wrong with it. I cant type. Gotta log into hb's side instead
Anyway, this would be a summary entry for things i've done for the past few days..Had my session on Tuesday afternoon with Master Neo. Overall, i would say, same ol' same ol'. Nothing too revealing nor exciting. Probably my expectations were too high? As for accuracy, hmm.. didn't ask him to guess anything at all. So i really don't know. Thank God i only paid $68 for it instead of $100! *phew*- Shopping at Marina Square
Went shopping with mil yesterday and it was pretty disappointing. I don't quite like go shopping with her these days. Too much complaining especially if she couldn't find or buy clothes that she likes. Well, she's too small to begin with so, it is really hard to clothes that fit her snugly in the first place. However, we didn't come back empty handed though. Mil bought 2 tops for me from Esprit and a towel set too and for herself, an Esprit top too, same as mine. Not quite time wasting afterall, isn't it? *wicked* lol.Went into one boutique (opp URS Inc) and i saw the bag of my life!! It's white, shoulder bag, medium size and it has got sequins all over. Totally glam! *swoon* But it's $89.90! *boo-hoo*
And i want it in black too! I'm so dead.. *die* Will be checking it out again on Sat.. sigh. Hope i wont like it the second time round. Been thinking of it ever since i laid my eyes on it yesterday. Sigh.
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