Ulu Yam's outing

Freezing cold water!

The cousins, 1 missing
Candid shots

Batu Cave's expedition

Holding hands? Lol

Friend we met up there, in the cave

Tired boy, taking a rest

Kpo 'maik maik' = aunt :P

My brother in laws

The 'girls', 1 sis missing :D
I want monkey face, i got monkey face

I love my HUGE family

Now i'm more determined to have baby no.3! Lol.. Never regretted going back one bit! Miss them lots

Also, managed to meet up with 2 gfs during my trip, Clara and Yuen Yee - who arrived a day before we met from UK. Love catching up with good old friends

Clara and i

Our to-die-for dessert, chocolate cake top with tons of hot fudge on it and vanilla ice cream on top but we moved it down to the side

U & yr sis looks very alike yeah? wow that icecream really makes me drool drool drool!!!!!
Is it? Never had that commented before leh! hehe.. Go eat ice cream QUICK! lol
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