Was just talking to Livia and then accidentally touched on the food and cake topic.
Bad.. real bad

Now i have very strong craving for cakes. *die*
I wanna eat tiramisu!! *boo-hoo*

Think.. thinking.. the fastest way i can get my hands on the cake *flash*
I have ordered from www.tiramisutra.com before, sometime last year and it was good! I'm a tiramisu lover or rather, any kind of cake lover lol, so 1 bite in, and i'll know. Hehe.. plus, i can get my cake just a dial away! As easy as ABC.. but it needs 2 days in advance! Arrghh..
Actually, my craving was sort of stirred up yesterday. Saw a review on a new product from Beard Papa in the paper last night, tiramisu! Lol.. Now they having a promotion. Only $1.60 instead of the normal $2. I so want!!
Anyway, time to get more peeps to crave together with me!

The one i've ordered before. Super yummy but best to consume within 1 day before it gets soggy. I did! 1 day and it was gone.. *slurp*

Choco-misu. The next one which i am gonna get my hands on. Yum yum!
Hey u bad ger, u wanna make me drool whole nite for the tiramisu (fm yr pixs)??? Guess what, we thinking of biting the same thing today. Earlier on I was in causeway point, dunno y keep thinking of tiramisu, then saw this papabread, ask them if they hv it, but she said coming soon, dunno when. sighhhh
Hahaha.. Oppsss :P *bad girl me*
wow *faint* the tiramisu cakes and desserts on that site look too heavenly - i MUST get one soon! thanks for sharing the good (and sinful) link. think i'll order one for my gf's b'day next month. mouth watering now.... *sigh*
The pleasure is mine! Lol. Hope u'll love the cake as much as i do ;)
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