I have just passed my 'ba zi' to a very much raved about fortune teller 10 minutes ago. I promised myself this would be my last reading for the rest of my life.. Too much of these stuff isn't so good afterall right? I mean, different fortune teller will tell your different things. So, in the end, who are you gonna listen to? And if what is told turned out to be depressing, how do you think we will handle it?
Anyway, i made this appointment out of curiousity.. We will see how accurate he is ok? :P
In the meantime, my baby plan will set for this year, which means i will be getting preggy very very soon given the fact that i am one very very fertile woman. Gosh, i am so not ready! Especially in the 'getting fat' domain. Scary!
*trying hard not to think about it*
*still thinking*
*still am*
Damn.. sigh. Don't think i can ever pass this stage. Losing weight is so tough

Silly am i not? And i am not even pregnant yet

you've had TWO boys and look at your now? still a hot mama *wink*, what's there to worry? :)
With 1st baby, i didn't manage to lose the last 3kg. With 2nd baby, i still have 5kg to go. I dare not imagine with 3rd baby, how many kg will i not lose? It gets harder each time.. sigh. I need slimming centre endorsement deal! lol
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