My progress for today.
Breakfast : My fruits and vegetables concoction from carrots, celery, green apple, tomato and 2 slices of lemon
Lunch : Sashimi salad from Sushi Tei (yes i know, sashimi.. but i thought, fresh food should be ok since it's not cooked, no? :P)
Snacks : Apple, orange and grapes
Dinner : My fruits and vege concoction
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Throughout the day, there were many times when i got really tempted to just give in and pig out but somehow, i managed to stop myself. The trigger to the temptation was mainly due to the cake booklet i got today from Bakerzin. Couldn't help but to stare at the cakes and drool, not once but twice! Must ask my helper to hide the booklet till Saturday for my own sake

Overall, i didn't get really hungry since i do snack in between and i didn't skip my main meals. Energy level still ok, didn't feel lethargic at all, probably because today is only the first day. Seems like it is not as bad as i thought it would be.. I should do this more often! Lol.
1 day down, 2 more days to go!

Note to Carolyn : Photo! Photo! Photo! Lol..
Keep up the good work!!! Continue, continue!!!
Lol.. Thankie. Trying really hard here girl. I wanna eat so badly. Haha
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